“Words are powerful energies that, once released, can create the conditions and circumstances of your life like magic wands. Every word you utter has a particular vibration, tone, and intention that attracts its equivalent on the earthly plane.
Words contain the potential for you to enhance your life: They can be used to sow seeds of destruction or germinate gorgeous, flowering experiences. What you say to yourself and others lays the foundation of your life, and if you want to live in a higher way, one that is guided by your spirit and goes with the flow, you must set the tone by using loving and creative words spoken in a peaceful and harmonious voice.
My spiritual teachers taught me the importance of words early in my apprenticeship. I learned that we are all Divine Beings, co-creators with the Universe, and the foundation of our life is built through our words. Nothing we say is ever lost or impotent – in fact, each word is powerful beyond belief and commands the Universe to obey. As far as the Universe is concerned, what we say is law because it doesn’t differentiate between truth and lies. It takes everything we say as truth and strives to make it so.”
Trust Your Vibe, Sonia Choquette, p. 57.