Winter Solstice Blessings

“Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you” – Matthew 7:7.
And so we go inward, for this time of rebirth and renewal. In the opening of this doorway, we are at the entrance to a Sacred portal, the passageway to our Heart’s True Desire. There we find the Wisdom we have carried down through the ages, for all of eternity, kept safely covered under a blanket of forgetfulness until the time was right for remembrance.
The time is Now.
This is the Gateway to Freedom, where we allow the flowing in and flowing through of Truth, which is the Energy of Love in its highest form.
With every Sacred Breath, we draw into us the energy of All That Is and breathing out, we imbue the All of Existence with that Love.
We cast aside all fears and transgressions, and with Forgiveness and Compassion in our hearts, we step into the shoes of our Brothers and Sisters and hold them in that Sacred Heart space, now fully open to the Knowing that we are All One, united in our Divinity.