Who Are The Ascended Masters?

“Who are the Ascended Masters?  Why they are so majestic?  What are their origins, and their purpose?  Below is a partial list of key Ascended Masters and their direct connections to the Elohim, their incarnations, and missions on Earth:

Maitreya – The Coming Master has not yet incarnated but works with awakened souls.  He represents a blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, and metaphysics.  He will begin incarnating after Master R / Saint Germain completes his current work.

Hilarion – Master of Healing & Technology rarely incarnates.  He inspires scientists, medical experts, and innovators with breakthrough ideas.

Confucius – Master of Mental Purity & Philosophy who focuses on purifying thought and aligning actions with universal laws. He never wrote his teachings—his students recorded them.

El Morya – The Guardian of Divine Will & Power.  His past incarnations: High Priest of Atlantis, A Tibetan Master, Abraham, One of the Three Wise Men, King Arthur, Thomas Becket, Sri Yukteswar (Yogananda’s Guru).   Female incarnations:  Lady Master lotus, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth The First, Edna Ballard (Saint Germain channeler, I AM Discourses)

Jesus (Sananda) – Master of Purification & Christ Consciousness, Jesus is an incarnation of Master Sananda.  Other incarnations:  Enoch, Adam, High Priest of Atlantis, Multiple off-world incarnations, trained in Egypt & India, studied under Mahavatar Babaji, Jesus’ miracles were supported by Saint Germain & Archangel Michael working through him.

Mary Magdalene (Lady Master Magda) – Jesus’ Soulmate, She is an Ascended Master from the same Higher Self as Jesus, They had many children together.

Krishna – Master of Divine Love & Hinduism’s Foundation, One of the key avatars in Hinduism, He plays a major role in the Bhagavad Gita, teaching detachment from ego.                                                                                                  Kuthumi – Master of Compassion & Wisdom, Past incarnations:  Pythagoras, Balthazar (one of the Three Wise Men), St. Francis of Assisi.

Mahavatar Babaji – The Deathless Guru & Master of Masters, The highest-ranking Ascended Master—the “Guru of Gurus,”  Born in 203 AD, but still physically alive, Created Kriya Yoga as a gateway to enlightenment, Taught all other Ascended Masters, including Jesus & Yogananda.  Mahavatar Babaji is ‘Yogi-Christ’ of Modern India.

Elijah (Muhammad, Raphael, John the Baptist) – Past incarnations: Prophet Muhammad, Archangel Raphael, John the Baptist (helped prepare the world for Jesus).

Gautama Buddha      (Thoth, Hermes Trismegistus) – Past incarnations:  Thoth (Atlantis, Egypt) – Ruled Atlantis for 40,000+ years.  Hermes Trismegistus – The author of Hermeticism, Contemporary of Moses, He works off-world with Saint Germain.

Djwhal Khul (Master DK, Tibetan Master) – Left Atlantis with Saint Germain & El Morya before it fell, Connected to the Himalayan Masters.

Paramahansa Yogananda

– Master of Divine Love, Rarely incarnates, prefers to work from the spiritual planes, He was William the Conqueror in a past life.  He worked closely with Saint Germain, He created the most powerful prayer ever recorded: “Prayer at Dawn”.

Saint Germain (Master R) – The Most Prolific Master, Master of Energy, Alchemy & Healing. He created Reiki (originally had 432 healing symbols, now reduced to 4). He left Atlantis before its fall and brought its wisdom to Tibet.  Key past incarnations:  Plato, Moses, Merlin, Francis Bacon (the true author of Shakespeare), Joseph (Jesus’ father), Hercules, Cain, Gilgamesh, Archangel Uriel.
Saint Germain is still active today, guiding the planet’s evolution.


Sauli Koskela

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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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