“We can only change ourselves, we cannot change another, for that is their soul’s learning.
However, we can hold ALL others within a bubble of PEACE and LIGHT to give them the clear, clean space in which to ignite their own Light within.
By using mindfulness in all we do, and meditation, no matter how short or long, we become PEACE, which is LOVE in ACTION.
We are ONE, and what we each do affects ALL others. Start with the petty irritations, and work up to the larger fears as they arise and as you get a better handle on mind control.
Don’t allow your mind to draw you into its fantasy games, replaying old hurts or making up false scenarios. When this happens just gently pull your attention back to your breath, I breath in, I breath out and as Thich Nhat Han says, ‘allow a half smile to reach your lips’ and FEEL the difference within you.
Now you have moved your attention away from your head and into your beautiful Heart. Keeping your attention on the breath unites the physical body and soul.”