“What’s special about the August 21 ‘Great American Eclipse’?
Over the millennia, astrologers – those who studied the heavens in order to interpret such cosmic signs – have devised numerous techniques to tease out the details of what a particular eclipse might mean for nations, their rulers and people.
Today’s astrologers are no different. They look for clues for the meaning of an eclipse in its visible appearance in the sky, the location it shadows on earth, in synchronicities between similar eclipses, or in other horoscopes affected most strongly by the eclipse.
Astrologers see this August 21 “Great American Eclipse” as a herald of a major turning point for the U.S. for many reasons:
• First total solar eclipse to be visible coast-to-coast across the U.S. in nearly 100 years
• First total solar eclipse to be visible only in the U.S. since the nation was founded in 1776
• The first eclipse in Saros 145 occurred in 1639, just weeks before the signing of the first state constitution (for Connecticut)
ASTROLOGY HUB presents… The Ultimate Eclipse Guide Page 12
• The first eclipse in the series also occurred at 13 degrees Capricorn, exactly opposite the point at which the Sun was located at the birth of the US on July 4, 1776 (13 Cancer)
• Saros 145 eclipses have occurred just prior to major events in U.S. history, including the bombing of Hiroshima and the assassination of JFK
• The August 21 Eclipse (28 Leo) falls opposite the position of the Moon (27 Aquarius) at the birth of the U.S. on July 4, 1776
• The August 21 eclipse occurs conjunct the fixed star Regulus. The Heart of the constellation Leo, it’s a star known since ancient times for its association with kings and kingship. A solar eclipse conjunct Regulus would have been an omen of the fall of kings
• President Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse
• The August 21 eclipse falls directly on the point that was rising over the horizon at the moment of President Trump’s birth, as well as the planet Mars
• The August 21 eclipse is an eclipse on the North Node, suggesting something new is ready to be born.
Even for astrology, that’s a lot of cosmic coincidence!”