There are seven important things to do to set yourself up for success when it comes to doing an oracle reading.
- Oracles that you hold in your hand—such as tarot and oracle cards, pendulums, and runes—require clearing and consecration before you work with them.
- Know that other people’s energy can affect your readings, so you’ll need to clear and consecrate your oracles regularly.
- Pray or meditate with an oracle before each use.
- Do your readings in a peaceful, quiet place.
- Keep your feet and legs uncrossed.
- Be mindful of the wording of your questions.
- Be in a calm and peaceful state before doing a reading.
Your oracles aren’t toys. They should always be treated with respect if you want them to take you seriously.
- Be in a spirit of humility when asking a question.
- Always show gratitude after your session with the oracle is over.
- Make sure you keep your divination tools stored in a peaceful place where they won’t be disturbed by others.
- Be fully present when consulting your oracles.
What To Do After a Reading
A great way to learn an oracle is to use it daily—preferably in the morning. You can pull a card for the day or choose a rune. Then, as the day progresses, you can contemplate how that oracle’s message relates to your experiences. Keeping a journal of these daily readings is also a powerful learning tool.
Both giving and receiving a reading is usually uplifting, enlightening, and magical.
However, on occasion, you might get messages that you perceive to be distressing or worrisome. You might be getting a reading from someone who is inexperienced or just has a fear-based take on things. Or perhaps you’re doing a reading for yourself about something that you were already feeling fear about. Sometimes the answer simply wasn’t at all what you were expecting. How you react to that situation will probably reflect where you are spiritually and emotionally.
Here are some steps you might take to work through the worry and get a clearer understanding of the messages.
- You can call upon Archangel Michael to calm your fears and worries, whether they’re related to messages from the Divine or anything that has you concerned. Also call upon the Archangel Uriel, who has the ability to offer you emotional healing as well as understanding of the message so that you truly comprehend what you are being told and can find balance.
- Think about the reading. What was it that upset you? Be really honest with yourself; what you do next depends on the answers to those questions.
- If what upset you was the demeanor of the reader or a message that was fear based in nature or delivered harshly, then shake it off. It’s not you, it’s the reader.
- If what upset you was that you didn’t get the answer you wanted, then the problem may lie within you. Was the direction or “likely outcome” of the reading really that bad or just not what you had dreamed up? Are you being rigid? Are you trying to tell the Universe how to do its job? Its “job,” by the way, is to lead you toward your greatest happiness. It often knows something you don’t know about the best way to get there.
- If the messa
ge wasn’t that bad—just different from your expectations—then I’d recommend spending some time contemplating that. Maybe this is a path to happiness you hadn’t considered. Maybe it’s just step one to getting where you want to go.
- And most of all, always, always remember that you have free will! Any reading is always just the most likely scenario at any given moment if you continue to move along as you are now. You can change your actions, plans, or directionat any time and change the likely outcome of your path.”
From Radleigh Valentine’s, Compendium of Magical Things