“Dear Ones, Because of your 3D training, it seems impossible to undo mistakes. Even though you might tell others you are sorry, a sense of guilt continues for most. You must be perfect, or you are damaged. And since no one can follow all their inner and outer commands 100% of the time, you limit your rightness with your world.
As you discover yourself, you will make what you consider mistakes along the way. Those mistakes will not diminish who you are or are becoming unless you allow them to.
What you consider a terrible action, statement, or thought is merely you discovering yourself – like a stop or directional road sign. If, when driving, you turn left instead of right, you might be angry with yourself for a few moments, but then you correct your direction. So it is now. There are no irretrievable mistakes — merely stop or directional signs.
Stop punishing yourself for not being perfect in word, thought, or deed. Start realizing you are a new being in a new world, sensing who you are becoming by hitting some obstacles during those explorations. Nothing you can do now will alter who you are becoming. You are merely developing a road map of who you are with a few directional turns that do not feel comfortable.
There are no mistakes, merely lessons in learning who you are or are becoming. Allow yourself to make what you consider mistakes. Or punish yourself as you have in 3D for eons, and you will never fully claim yourself.
You are discovering yourself. Allow that to be without angst, fear, or regret. And allow the same for others.
You are newborns. Something your 3D society does not allow once you leave childhood and before you claim dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. You are not wrong, evil, or unforgivable. You are merely discovering who you are and what interests you, just as you did when you entered the Earth in every Earth life you experienced.
Allow yourself to be as you discover your Universal creator being in ways you never before imagined possible while on Earth. So be it. Amen.”
https://spiritlibrary.com, Copyright 2009-2024, author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com