The Pleiadians On Sexuality

“Sexuality and an abundant loving relationship can be profound and take you into other worlds, revitalize your body and remind your body of its most idealized patterns.

Using sexual expression to regenerate yourself rather than degenerate yourself is the ideal you will pursue.

Sexuality involves dealing with hormones. Sex excites the very core of your cells. The light encoded filaments become entwined with one another as in a magnet. The energies all line up and face the same way. When you become sexual and you and another individual are lined up in one direction, this dance starts your hormones.

You are like the north and south poles. Your bodies turn into magnets. When you and another individual achieve a heightened state of electromagnetic force, you pull on one another.

You create a balance between each other. When you get really good at this, you will not even have to touch each other as you can create this web of love between you. It is through this force field that your inner bodies arise and go into other worlds.

We think sexuality is one of the most exciting gifts that you have been given and we want to guide you further along this journey.

So that you can have a better time on earth, love yourself and love the earth. They are one and the same. Include every part of your body in a talk about sex. Make a commitment to accept every area of your body and to draw a partner to yourself who will honor every area of your body.

Know that your partner will be wanting and willing to be into this glorious part of your god/goddess force. You will inherit the blue print of every person with whom you have sex. So you have not only your own stuff to deal with but theirs, as well. When your body comes together with another’s, your chakras are stirred and your kundalini is moved. If your kundalini is only moved into your lower 2 chakras and it is not a full body infusion, you can have hooks into the other person’s auric field and they can have hooks into yours. This is why it is important to be very selective about who you’re going to have sex with. Make sure, if you are going to go for it, that you have some kind of bond and commitment and that you plan on working things out. Because in this day of accelerated time and sped up energy, you can take on everything from someone else.” 

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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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