“Enjoying life’s experiences is the only rational thing to do. You’re sitting on a planet spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Go ahead, take a look at reality. You’re floating in empty space in a universe that goes on forever.
If you have to be here, at least be happy and enjoy the experience. You’re going to die anyway. Things are going to happen anyway. Why shouldn’t you be happy?
You gain nothing by being bothered by life’s events. It doesn’t change the world; you just suffer.
There’s always going to be something that can bother you, if you let it. This choice to enjoy life will lead you through your spiritual journey.
In truth, it is itself a spiritual teacher. Committing yourself to unconditional happiness will teach you every single thing there is to learn about yourself, about others, and about the nature of life. You will learn about your mind, your heart, and your will.
But you will have to mean it when you say that you’ll be happy for the rest of your life. Every time a part of you begins to get unhappy, let it go.
Work with it. Use affirmations, or do whatever you need to do to stay open. If you are committed, nothing can stop you.
No matter what happens, just enjoy the experience. If they starve you and put you in solitary confinement, just have fun being like Gandhi. No matter what happens, just enjoy the life that comes to you.”
The Untethered Soul, Michael A. Singer, p. 144.