“Any question that you have in this moment about anything has only one or two answers. The first one: are you in the now moment?
Are you in the now moment? When you are in the now moment, you go beyond all time, all space, all lack, all limitation, and all separation.
If you are fully in the now moment, you are accessing all of your power. If you are not fully in the now moment, you are in some way denying your power,denying your worthiness, denying love for yourself in that moment.
When you come fully into the now moment, everything is there. And if it’s not there, it’s because you don’t need it in this moment. What you need in this moment is to come into your power fully and remember that it is only in the now moment that you can embody the knowing that you are the consciousness that summons energy into form. But that only happens in the now moment. In the now moment.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been focused on it for years. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve wanted it. It doesn’t matter how many times you tried to figure it out and make it happen. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve worried about it.
All that matters is this now moment and fully embodying your power as the consciousness that summons all energy into form.
That is what you are. You are not a human. You are consciousness. You are a force field of consciousness. Your human doesn’t summon energy. Your consciousness summons energy.
You are here to experience energy in form. That is the whole reason for coming into this extraordinary existence that you call your life on Earth at this time.”
https://saralandon.com,Wisdom of the Council: The Embodiment of Greatness, channeled by Sara Landon