The Answer To Every Problem

“Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time.  In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God.  Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, ‘protective’ clothing, influence, being liked, knowing the ‘right’ people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers.

All these things are your replacements for the Love of God.  All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification.  They are songs of praise to the ego.  Do not put your faith in the worthless.  It will not sustain you.

Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances.  It will lift you out of every trial, and raise you high above all the perceived dangers of this world into a climate of perfect peace and safety.  it will transport you into a state of mind that nothing can threaten, nothing can disturb, and where nothing can intrude upon the eternal calm of the Son of God.”   A Course In Miracles – Workbook for Students, Lesson 50, 1-3.

“Think of the freedom in the recognition that you are not bound by all the strange and twisted laws you have set up to save you.  You really think that you could starve unless you have stacks of green paper strips and piles of metal discs.  You really think a small round pellet or some fluid pushed into your veins through a sharpened needle will ward off disease and death.  You really think you are alone unless another body is with you.

It is insanity that thinks these things.  You call them laws, and put them under different names in a long catalogue of rituals that have no use and serve no purpose.  You think you must obey the ‘laws’ of medicine, of economics, and of health.  You think: ‘Protect the body and you will be saved.’

These are not laws but madness.  The body is endangered by the mind that hurts itself.  The body’s suffering is a mask the mind holds up to hide what really suffers.  It would not understand the mind is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die. It is from this your ‘laws’ would save the body.  It is for this you think you are a body.

There are no laws except the laws of God.  It applies to everything that you have made in opposition to God’s Will.  Your magic has no meaning.  What it is meant to save does not exist.  Only what it is meant to hide will save you.  There are no laws but God’s.  Dismiss all foolish magical beliefs today (‘laws’ of nutrition, of immunization, of medication, friendship, of ‘good relationships, and reciprocity).  God’s laws forever give and never take.

Tell yourself: I am under no laws but God’s.”

A Course In Miracles – Workbook for Students, Lesson 76, 3 – 9.


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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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