Take A Change For The Better

“The secret of making something work in your life is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work; then to hold that clear, definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief.  Your positive attitude is vitally important to anything you undertake in life.  When you are determined to do something wholeheartedly, perfectly, and do it with love the results are bound to be wonderful.

Start right now to do everything that has to be done with that right attitude and see what happens; when you see everything working out in true perfection never fail to give thanks.  For the gratitude keeps the door wide open and enables more and more to work out in your life.

It is when you start taking things for granted that all the joy goes out of life and the door begins to close.  Then the best thing to do and do it quickly, is to stop and take time to count your blessings, realize how mightily blessed you are, and then give thanks.  This works like magic in everyone’s life.

Why not try it next time life begins to appear dull, uninteresting, and boring, and see what a transformation it will make in every way?  The sooner you realize that life is indeed what you make it … the more quickly will you behold the right results and your whole attitude will take a change for the better.”

Footprints on the Path, Eileen Caddy, p. 25 -26.

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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.

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