You’re a star seed when:
1. The Earth was never your first home! You have a deep desire to be home, but you don’t know where your home is – possibly another planet!
2. Feeling out of place – no one understands his infinite cosmic mind.
3. Loves to be alone in solitude, in peace, in nature. Avoid overcrowded places.
4. Mesmerized by space, sci-fi, UFOs, crystals, time travel, fantasy and magic.
5. I’d rather stare at the night sky than watching television.
6. Dreams at night often reveal worlds and times never before visited.
7. Always felt like your life had a special purpose, but still unsure of what it is.
8. You were always ahead of your class and just knew everything.
9. You have inexhaustible compassion for all forms of life and animals.
10. You have a highly intuitive sense of mind and can feel the energy and emotions of other people, animals, places and objects.
11. Your life is full of synchronicities and you often see 11:11 or other repeated numbers, often try DéJà Vu, and attract luck and good fortune.
12. Are you fascinated by Crystals and alternative types of healing . You avoid putting prescribed medications in your body.
13. You are constantly seeking spiritual knowledge and are obsessed with bringing your body and mind to a higher state of consciousness.
14. Sense a great event coming soon in the near future that will change everything we know about Life and Humanity.
Fifteen. You’re smiling right now as you read this because you know you’re special and you’re not alone—Starseeds Unite!
~ Patricia Elisabeth Bertet