“Defensiveness. When you find yourself wanting to explain your words or actions, pause for a moment. What is your motive? Will your explanation help the other or merely improve the way you are perceived? Will the other be open to what you have to say?
Jump ahead as if you have defended your words or actions. Do you feel better? Most likely. Does the other? Perhaps not, unless you have imbued your defense with love and true concern for the other, not just the self. This can be done, but it takes care. Be care-ful when you feel defensiveness taking over, for it can have a mind of its own. Perhaps you can send love instead of words. The effect can be the same, if not greater.” suzannegiesemann.com

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After thirty years of teaching Inner City, Special Education students and
forty-five years of metaphysical studies, I have decided to share my life's philosophical understandings on this wonderful website. For me, everything in my life has been a spiritual experience from being raised in an alcoholic household, to marriage and teaching, and finally caring for an Alzheimer parent. I have sought at least fifteen, personal psychic readings to try and assist me as a wife, teacher and caretaker. I want to share the wisdom that I have gained from following the valuable spiritual guidance from my inner knowing and from heeding the advise of channeled answers from trusted psychics. At almost 70 years old, I am writing, traveling and enjoying retirement in Florida.
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