“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an appreciation for the degree to which all of you are willing to go from that knowing that you are Source Energy Beings. We have witnessed you feeling such despair because of that feeling of separation and loneliness, and we know that humanity has gone further from that knowing than any other beings in the galaxy in humanoid form. We want very much for you to embrace who you really are, and we can tell you that you are aspects of Source until the cows come home, as you say, but it won’t do you any good. It won’t even do you any good if you just think it or put it on a coffee mug to remind yourself of it. You need more than that. You need to feel that you have come home.
That’s the feeling you are searching for. You see, moving away from Source is like leaving the nest. You don’t know how far away you will go, what dangers you will face, and sometimes you feel that you will not be able to find your way back. When you individuated your consciousness from Source, it was a similar experience, and some of you have felt that you have been wandering around the galaxy since you first physically incarnated. Others believe that home is another planet in a star system and feel that they will only have that sense of home when they return t
o that star system of origin.
But we understand what you really want and need. You want to feel that you never left the Source Energy nest, and the truth is that you never did. Everything is Source, so you could never really leave, but you’ve given yourselves the impression that you are small, insignificant, egoic beings, living out a short lifespan, and that has been very difficult on that reclaiming of your sense of home. You are there to experience it. It is inevitable, and it is your birthright to feel it and to let it sink in, viscerally. So how do you do it? How do you get there from that pit of despair?
This will be easier said than done, and we admit that before we even say it. The feeling of home, the feeling of Source, and the feeling that you are always connected, is something that you get when you let go of everything else that contradicts all that you seek to experience. You have to let go of logic. You have to let go of theories that say that you are all there by accident. You have to return to your center, your inner world, because that is truly where you will feel it and experience it. And then you can share it with everyone on planet Earth, because when you experience that, you will understand that it’s what’s been missing from other people’s lives as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com