“Mother, the reception and care of arrivals is so crucial for people on Earth to know that I want to explain the entire process starting at the beginning, with what you call death and we call transition. When the physical body dies, there is an instantaneous adjustment in the electrical system of the etheric body so it can leave Earth intact and arrive in Nirvana already attuned to the higher frequency here. That adjustment is made in the lightning flash moment when the etheric body separates from the physical body and clothes the soul for its alignment on the way to that light passage often described as a tunnel in the ‘near death experience.’
There is absolutely NOTHING stressful or fearful about that journey! But it happens so quickly that the arrival’s memories of circumstances immediately prior to transition are as real upon entry here as they were when the person was experiencing those circumstances on Earth. The memories profoundly affect the arrival’s capacity to adjust to his etheric body, and when the memories are of traumatic experiences, a personalized and usually long healing process is required.”
“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 145-6, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward