“The basis of a relationship is our willingness to share. What happens when we share is that we discover our mutual realities — mutual goals, mutual games… you might even say. We find that ‘us’ place behind all the differences. We start looking for similarities as opposed to differences. Sharing is not hiding anything and opening up to let someone inside our thoughts. When we reach that point, what we’re doing is building trust with one another.
No relationship can exist without trust. And then there’s that constant, threatening grating of your addictions. (The form the relationship has to take, the limits you need to be happy, or the control your ego may demand are examples of addictions.) What you’ll find is that when the addictions
start running high, you’ll pull back your involvement if there is no trust.
So what you’re doing in a relationship — with the communication, with the shared reality — is that you’re building a safe place or a place of trust. And from that comes the cooperation in the present and in the future — the commitment to each other’s well-being and to sharing the great adventure of life together.”
A Conscious Person’s Guide to Relationships, Ken Keyes, Jr., p.55.