“In opening our hearts to love, we need to make sure that the door of our hearts does not slam shut when someone says or does something in the melodrama of life that does not fit our addictive programming. In working on myself in this area, I found it helpful to see the acts of myself and other people (and the entire melodrama that we are creating together) as just a run-off of all the beliefs in our heads.
Our words and actions are not who or what we really are. Behind all of the melodrama of our acting out our beliefs — here we are — a precious essence of humanity and divinity. We are a consciousness-awareness that is watching the entire show from the top of the cosmic mountain.
The most socially helpful action we can take is to work on ourselves to love everyone unconditionally — and especially ourselves. The turned-on social cooperativeness that flows when we love everyone as a brother
or sister is the only way to solve the immense planetary problems that we have created by living out our addictive, separate-self beliefs. Only a wise integration of the reasoning of our heads and the love in our hearts will save us.
And once we understand more about love, and resolve that it is more important than anything else, the next step is to begin the inner work on ourselves. The ability to love everyone unconditionally (and especially oneself) must be developed by practicing it with consistency and determination using the situations in our lives.
The most enjoyable human lives are characterized by energy, humor, perceptiveness, insight, wisdom, happiness, purpose, and love. These dependable satisfactions are created by recognizing, understanding, and decreasing our addictions and increasing our love. Only this inner work opens us to the full joy of living.”
A Conscious Person’s Guide To Relationships, Ken Keyes, Jr., p. 120-123.