“People are coming together and bringing all of their fragments into the coming together. The spiritual journey (from the inside out) starts as an individual journey. I or you declare that we are going to love our hearts each day more than we ever have before (not trying to make too lofty an intention). We intend, ‘May I love myself more not less.’ Every time I love myself, I’m loving all hearts. As all the pieces start to come together and as love resolves all conflicts and heals all wounds inside of us, that wholeness within us and the bringing together all of the aspects of self starts to magnetically bring to us all other whole beings who are whole themselves. When whole beings manifest whole beings, now we are ready to start doing things on a community level to manifest greater change. But we can’t come together when we are individually fragmented. We have to heal and come together in love. As we come into love, we are drawn toward those who we can align with and create that kind of progress. So we have to do this work from the inside out.” 10/16