“It’s ok to be scared. It’s more unnatural to judge yourself for having fears, even though judgment is also an essential experience along the path of your highest spiritual growth. You are destined to wake up from it all, but in order to do so, each aspect of your journey must be savored and honored, even when unpleased by the circumstances at hand. The first step is daring to be completely honest about how much something scares you.
Please do not attempt to move past this point too quickly. Instead, take a moment, perhaps this moment right here, and rest in the complete acceptance of whatever you are afraid to face. You have every right to be afraid. When fear is a right and privilege, it is honored as a sign post of energetic expansion. You certainly won’t be afraid forever, but that doesn’t make it wrong to be absolutely afraid for whatever reason right now.
What happens when you fully admit whatever you are afraid of without making it wrong to fear? What occurs when fear is a sensation to welcome and explore exactly as it is? What happens when not liking how you feel doesn’t require you to turn away from your feelings, over-rationalize the likelihood of impending difficulty, or shut down in any way? What happens when you get more interested in exploring a feeling, instead of deciding how much or how little you like it? What occurs when being who you are becomes more important than constantly trying to get what you want or attempting to make things the way you insist they should be? How is it wise, valuable, and beneficial to be absolutely afraid whenever fear arises?
Only the courage of your deepest honesty ever knows for sure. Always say, ‘Thank you for this experience. No matter what.’ ” www.truedivinenature.com