Talk love to the parts of your body that are asking for attention (physical discomfort or emotional discomfort).
Love Your Body
Talk to your DNA as the dormant DNA activates and you become your birthright of your innate inner gifts (your super powers) which are more than You can imagine at this time).
Be in gratitude and give thanks for being a part of this amazing shift!
Align with the divinity that has been within you and has been you all along.
We have had many years to clear out our old baggage and not reACT from old stories, traumas, or programming. If something comes up observe it and feel the emotional chaos without any attachments to the creation of the emotion that is stuck energy in the emotional body.
You are the one you have been waiting for all along and you are about to witness the unfoldment of ALL of you by anchoring in those aspects of you that are trying to merge back with you. As your scattered aspects merge so well your chakras until you become THE LIGHT in human form.
Welcome home back to you.