“There is a brilliant technique pioneered by Gregg Braden for whenever you have life dilemmas and need to go within to tap inner wisdom. It involves asking the wisdom of your heart what the best decision is. These are the steps:
1. Find a quiet place where no one can disturb you and place your hands over your heart. This tells your parasympathetic nervous system that you are safe.
2. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths – counting 5 seconds for each in/out breath
3. Begin focussing on a very positive emotion such as love, appreciation, gratitude or compassion – whatever it is in your life that inspires these emotions and allow yourself to feel one or a combination of these for 5 minutes while continuing to breathe deeply and slowly. This will have the effect of synchronizing your heart/brain frequencies which opens the channel of communication between them more fully.
4. Once you are in a relaxed and peaceful state following step 3, tune in and ask your heart the question you want answered, i.e. ‘What decision should I make about…’ or ‘I don’t know the best way forwards. Can you tell me what it is….?’
5. From this relaxed inner state listen for the answer. Your heart is it’s own field of intelligence that exists beyond time and space and will either give you the answer either right away or reveal it through intuition or synchronicity shortly after. You’ll know when it has. www.greggbraden.com