“My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Imagine heaven. It isn’t a place on a faraway cloud or a dream that exists after the brain dies. Not at all. Dear ones, Heaven is a state where you are totally and entirely open to the love that sources you and gives you life. It is a vibrational dimension in which you are intensely present, elevated, and experiencing love.
It is an existence of peace, joy, kindness, consideration, creative expression, courtesy, and all you associate with love. It is wisdom, understanding, harmony, and a sense of everything making sense. It is the ordinary imbued by a sense of the extraordinary. Colors are vibrant and glow from within. Sounds feel alive. Your senses are heightened to feel very deeply. Most of you only ‘live in’ heaven after death, but many of you have glimpses of this vibration at moments while you are upon your earth.
Heaven occurs every day. You might feel it in a contented slow sip of coffee, the crisp air in your lungs, and the blood pumping through your veins on a beautiful walk. You might feel it as you hug your best friend, laugh at your dog, or see a funny video. Heaven might be the moment you start to feel relief from pain or the sweetness of climbing into a comfortable bed at night.
These moments of heaven have a few things in common. You are intensely present with the experience in the moment. You are overwhelmed by a sense of appreciation. You feel loved, loving, or experiencing love. There is a sense of perfection in that moment. Dear ones, if you have these qualities, heaven can be found anywhere, anytime, and even in any circumstance.
With practice, you can find heaven, dear ones, right here, right now. Take a moment to look around and be present. Appreciate one thing. Love one thing. The less you resist this exercise, and the more you surrender to love, the more you’ll feel heaven. In this space, you’ll feel us too, loving you as an exquisite and beautiful being within this beautiful creation.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”