“Walk upon this planet in full confidence that you are never alone. That we, your family of light, walk with you. We advise you. We work with you as your body and mind lie sleeping. You each have wonderful, loving councils of light that you commune with on a nightly basis so that you do not stray from the path that you have chosen.
This is the year of new beginnings. And this is something that each of you is striving to accomplish by letting go of all that is no longer needed. By fulfilling and completing goals that were started during the last cycle. The new beginnings are happening simultaneously and so sometimes you feel as though you are straddling two Worlds, two dimensions and hoping that you will not fall through the cracks. You remain the powerful bridge of light, love and truth as is your mission upon the planet. You will not fail no matter what takes place. We see and know this. You are firmly resolved to hold the space for the reality that you desire to manifest upon your World.”