You are not alone. We say this quite often, and you may scoff if you look around you and the house is empty or your friends are far away.
What if you could see with the eyes of the soul instead of the physical eyes? Would it make a difference if suddenly the veil were to part and you could see the friends who surround you?
What are friends, but companions who help you on your journey. You have such friends. Trust us in this. Just because you cannot see them, you need not dismiss them. Instead, invite them to make their presence known through signs, insights that seem to drop into your awareness seemingly from no-where, when in fact they come from now-here. Your ethereal companions are right-here, and they wrap their heavenly arms around you in your greatest times of need.
Do not dismiss what you cannot see. That longing in your heart to believe this is so comes from the soul, guiding you back Home to the heart, which knows how very loved you are.
The post Here Now appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.