“Just as there is mental indoctrination (like in Nazi Germany’s people going along with genocide), so it’s vitally important that a person who chooses to live according to spiritual law continue to fight this telepathic disease of not being telepathically taken over by negativity through sending out love to everyone all the time.
One way to prevent being telepathically hijacked is to keep your mind focused on what you love. The more you concentrate on what you care about and what feeds your spirit, the more you’ll remain tuned into the same positive telepathic counterparts in the psychic airwaves. And if you focus on uplifting, heart-based, and loving energies, you’ll telepathically attract these vibrations into your life.
Mentally choosing to focus on love is a powerful weapon against the darkest of telepathic oppressors.”
Trust Your Vibe, Sonia Choquette, pgs. 73-74.