“Love is the most powerful source of energy in the universe. The Universe is an ocean of Love. Tap into this energy so you can elevate your love to its fullest and highest self.
Feeling Divine Love means feeling pure happiness. Everything that was negative disappears. You feel full of your own love, your purity, your power, and your feelings of joy. Allow these feelings to thrive within you, regardless of the outside events. Doing this will allow you to experience love on a much deeper level and take the next step in your awakening process. Make feeling this energy a regular part of your life.

Love yourself, love those around you, and be the best that you can be. Let others love you. It is the best gift for you to transform into your higher self and awaken your inner world of limitless potential. It is the only strategy that works.
If you have trouble loving yourself, you will unconsciously sabotage your encounters with others because deep down you hold the false belief that you are not worthy of being loved by others.
Take a look in the mirror and realize the person you see is your best friend and closest ally. The one who was there from the start and will be until the last scene, your companion through all your ups and downs. The reflection in the mirror finally deserves to be acknowledged and loved.
Put your hands on your heart and speak to yourself. Say things like, ‘I love you, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are whole, and you are perfect’ to yourself.
Love yourself, and you’ll be able to share your love with others. This is what makes life worth living. Every person deserves to love themselves and to receive love from others.

If you don’t believe that you are worthy of love, then no one else will either. You have the ability to experience love on a much deeper level and take the next step in your awakening process. So take the steps needed to make this energy a regular part of your life.
But self-love does not mean egotistical pride. The key to self-love is to see the heart’s desires. Listen to that call, leave comfortability and fear behind. Take a leap of faith, go the extra mile, and surrender yourself (or ‘what you think yourself is’ aka- your ego) to the higher guidance and wisdom of your heart.

The ego must surrender in order for love to occur. You cannot hold both of these frequencies in your body. They are incompatible. Love is god-creator power. One holds light, the other darkness but darkness fades away on its own as light arrives.
Loving yourself means to accepting, respecting, and forgiving yourself. It means that you will pursue that which frees your spirit and brings joy to your b

eing. It is the sacred journey you are currently on. And one day, love pervades your whole being. Then there comes music, a frequency alignment, and harmony with the universe.
You tune in to Divine Love, and you immediately shift from a 3D to a 5D reality. Love attracts love. You hadn’t anticipated it. It just occurred by itself. It’s a byproduct of love.

But you must first begin with yourself. You must love yourself. How do you go about doing it? Nobody can teach it to you. There is no need to go anywhere in order to learn it. All you have to do now is go inside. Shift your focus from your brain to your heart, from thinking to feeling. When you are feeling deeply, your whole energy flows towards your heart.
You will attain inner peace if you understand how to go from thinking to feeling.
However, for many individuals, thinking becomes an uncontrollable activity. Their minds are not under their control. Their minds are so full of thoughts. They consume all their energy by producing thoughts.
Once you learn to go from thinking to feeling, you move into another realm. Your entire life changes.
You will be filled with fresh energy. But you must first begin with yourself. You must love yourself.”
Love, Light & Infinite Blessings,
Aurora Ray & Your Galactic Federation Ground Crew, Aurora Ray, Ambassador of the Galactic Federation, t