As initial pieces of the shadow are integrated, lashing out becomes more of an inward lashing out called shutting down.
During this stage, the ego either replays echoes of previous mistreatments or attempts to repent for those its behavior has wronged — by taking it out on itself. As lashing out and shutting down equally fall away, harmonic resonance is created with incoming waves of light-filled photon energy.
This occurs by exploring heart-centered spiritual paths, processes, and practices. By becoming even more heart-centered than ever before, you help the ego to find the courage to face itself without a mask of separation dividing the inner being with the outer world. As the mask of shadow continues to crumble, the monumental shift from unconscious patterning to an awakening chakra system and activated crystalline DNA can often feel like fatigue, a loss of direction, purpose, and ambition, and can even mir
ror symptoms of depression. This is why being a consistent advocate and active participant along a heart-centered journey is so crucial to the evolutionary leaps you have taken and are now ready to make.
May this time on planet Earth inspire a renewal of hope, a greater remembrance of liberation, and a profound reclaiming of personal power where we may demonstrate our highest potential through our ability to love and be loved as the Source of Light that we are.
All for Light, All for Love,’ ”