“As you traverse this pathway of expanding spiritual and conscious awareness, you will come to know that you are a soul, not a person who has a soul, and you chose to experience this lifetime on Earth. You will learn about multiple lifetimes in various civilizations in this universe, and that between incarnations, you live in a spirit world. Learning about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements will let you understand why some relationship
s and circumstances are splendid and others are difficult.
You will learn that light and love are the same energy, consciousness emanating from the Creator, the supreme being of
the cosmos, and it is the most powerful force in existence. In this universe, the energy comes from God, by whatever name you call the supreme being of this universe.
As an aspect of God, you are a unique, independent, sovereign, immortal soul energetically connected with every other life form throughout this universe and with Creator. Along with seeing yourself as a multidimensional member of the universal family, you will learn about your powerful innate abilities.
Every step along this pathway of discovery will evoke a profound sense of awe, fulfillment, and gratitude for new knowledge. Yet, the reality of your experiencing is even more profound—it has been a process is self-discovery and what you have learned is not new knowledge. Everything is known at soul level, and by consciously tapping into that vastness, you are remembering what you already know.”