“Everyone on Earth is here to participate in and contribute to the mass awakening of humanity to the truth that your thoughts create your humanity. This is crucial to understand since you are connected to layers and levels of reality that intertwine for the purpose of creating and exploring the majestic multidimensional nature of existence.
Knowledge is sacred and the choice to be informed or merely entertained in today’s world is a very revealing test of the times. Expanding your mind to penetrate the deeper meanings of life is not only liberating, it is crucial to your well-being, for knowledge is power, and how you use your power inevitably determines the course of your personal and collective life.
The social and political situations you currently face, personally and globally, include a series of very intense lessons of discernment. You are all challenged to see
through the well-crafted, mind-boggling business of fear that has overrun the planet.
Maintaining your faith in a positive outcome for all you encounter everyday is not always easy; however, it is important to remember that difficult and challenging experiences precede all worthwhile accomplishments.
The choices you make and the risks you are willing to take at this time are essential to the process of strengthening your resolve and waking up to the recognition and application of your personal power. Ultimately, you create all you encounter for very good reasons.
You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.”
Path of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos, Barbara Marciniak, pgs. 3 – 4.