“Those with high emotional intelligence often exhibit the following seven signs.
- They get along well with and show genuine interest in others.
- They understand their own weaknesses and strengths.
- They take responsibility for their actions and let go of their mistakes.
- They can effectively describe how they are feeling, even in difficult situations.
- They have feelings of empathy and concern toward others.
- They have self-confidence and display self-acceptance.
- They are curious about others’ feelings.
Not sure about your own emotional intelligence?
Well, getting curious is a good sign. And there are online EQ tests you can take, plus tips on how to improve yours below.
- Identify the emotions that you are feeling and accept them. (Fearful, Angry, Sad, or Hurt?)
- Ask for feedback about your emotional responses from friends. That way you become more aware of your weaknesses and strengths.
- Actively listen to the other person. ( As you listen, make sure to keep eye contact and nod at appropriate points to communicate to the other person
that you are, in fact, listening. Paraphrasing can also work wonders here, as can asking questions to show curiosity and to help you further understand.)
- Take responsibility for your actions. (If you said something you shouldn’t have, say that and apologize. This shows your ability for self-awareness and self-regulation.)”