“The Divine whispers, ‘You can heal,’ but if you’re focused on a diagnosis that says you cannot, your energy is running contrary to the love the Divine is offering. Without meaning to, you are resisting love. A more loving thought would be, ‘God, I want to heal. Thank you. Let me know what to do and when.’ Then, focus on anything you can enjoy right now. Surrender to love.
The Divine whispers, ‘I can guide you,’ but if you are focused on the fact that you don’t know what to do, you are resisting this love. Far better to tell yourself, ‘When I don’t know how God does.’ Surrender to love.
The Divine wants to help you. You feel a strong desire to rest, but you feel you must research treatments. That is resisting love. You could instead surrender to love, take a nap, and wake up with guided clarity.
While the Divine is sending you signals of hope, inspiration, guidance, and possibility, these other fearful thoughts and focuses, no matter how true in the 3D world, run contrary to the flow that is trying to assist you.
Every time you complain about not having what you want, you are resisting the flow, trying to get you there. Every time you explain the reasons why you can’t have what you want or haven’t had what you want, you are blocking the flow, trying to guide you there. Every time you doubt you will have what you want, you are resisting the love trying to assist you. All of these things are quite human. There is no judgment about any of them. Nonetheless, they block you from receiving the love and assistance that wants to flow into your reality.
So instead of speaking words of resistance—’I can’t. I don’t. I can’t afford. I don’t know how. It has never happened and probably won’t. I’m not worthy. I’m being tested., and so forth—’ speak words that bestow blessings upon yourself.
When you take the slightest opportunity to be kinder to yourself, you release resistance, open to the flow of love, and allow your life to become just a tiny bit easier, more secure, and delightful.”