“Question 8: If there is any time, please give each some awareness of life after death and survival of the soul.
Lama Sing: We find that in terms of life, which will follow, it will be continuous as though there was merely a disruption of sorts, not unlike the normal sleep period. Though this would be in the conscious sense, one which would be somewhat aware, that you would be aware of sleep, that you would be aware of a change, a resting, a moment’s lack of consciousness of the body physical, but still some full consciousness.
Then there would be the movement from this realm called the Earth plane to another called the spiritual. We would find in the spiritual realm then, the point of some rest or review, some decision, and then the movement to whatever area or level of consciousness suits thee best. While it might seem odd from your plane to think of a realm such as this, it also seems odd to think from another realm of a realm such as the Earth where one is encumbered by the physical, limited by the effect of mind without the knowledge to change same.
You cannot picture yourself without being capable of walking to and fro, speaking, hearing, seeing; yet if you had other capabilities, you would assume these to be permanent parts of self and you would not be able to think of self without them. We assure you there are many more such.
That the ability to heal the body with a moment, the ability to restore self in terms of full consciousness, and so forth all are possible even in your realm. They come with greater acceptance, greater growth.”
libraryofconsciousness.org, 19761212 0775 – Page #6, Lama Sing Channeled Reading on 12-12-1976 by Al Miner.