“As long as you are taking thought for tomorrow, you have not reached the level of consciousness which wills only that My will be done. Concern for tomorrow, in any form, betrays the fact that you are still involved with the purposes of the human self. Concern for tomorrow also means that you do not trust me, you are still looking at the seeming powers of the sub-creation and trying to worship duality.
Keep your eye single to my glory with all the faith that you can muster. How can I trust you to be my Grand Cosmic Being if you will not trust me to be your helpful heavenly Father?
This relinquishing of your surface self may take a lot of effort. It may be enough to keep you occupied for quite some time if you are a victim of deep-seated habits are most of my earth children. But you will be richly rewarded if you can cast away old patterns of thought, and old habits of doubt, and keep the image of yourself as the Living Christ in your mind’s eye so strongly your focus never wanders and your subconscious feelings never falter in reacting in accordance with this truth.
Just remember that all things are possible to one who loves God, and soon, as you try again, the former manner of thinking will have passed away, the Christ nature will be seeping through into your surface mind, and you will be quite naturally merging into the high ideal which has been implanted by My Word.”
The Door Of Everything, Ruby Nelson, p. 31 – 32.