“If you truly want to change a belief or perception about yourself or your life, you have to make a decision with a level of energy or intensity that creates an inward experience that’s greater than the past event that branded that belief or perception. The moment this new experience becomes greater than the old one, is the moment the past biologically no longer exists.
Changing Your Belief Or Perception
This happens because the novel experience you’re having has taken you out of your typical resting state. The circuitry in your brain reorganizes. New networks are created, which then causes the brain to make new chemicals that send new emotional signals to the body.
If this new experience is an experience or choice that you never forget, then the experience becomes a long-term memory and that’s when your body moves from living in the past to living in the present future.
This new experience of making a decision with a high level of energy or intensity doesn’t have to be extreme to
be powerful. The only requirement is that it produces a level of energy greater than the event or experience which caused the belief or perception you’re trying to override.
That doesn’t mean the memory will go away. It will still be there, but it won’t have the same kind of power over you.
A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.
What belief or perception are you changing?”
Dr. Joe Dispenza, drjoedispenza.com