The Past, The Future, The Present

“Remember one very fundamental thing about life: Any experience that has not been lived will hang around you, will persist: ‘Finish me! Live me! Complete me!’ There is an intrinsic quality in every experience that it tends and wants to be finished, completed. Once completed, it evaporates;… incomplete, it persists, it tortures you, it haunts you, it attracts your attention. It says, ‘What are you going to do about me? I am still incomplete – fulfill me!’

Your whole past will hang around you with nothing completed, or learned if nothing has been completely lived. If everything is somehow bypassed, partially lived, only so-so, in a lukewarm way then, … there has been no intensity and no passion because you have been moving like a somnambulist or a sleepwalker. So that past hangs, and the future creates fear. And between the past and the future is crushed your present, the only reality.”

Create a Brand New Reality

th-18“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have within you the greatest resource that you could ever possibly imagine. That resource is your own personal experience of life. You are deriving nuggets of wisdom from every experience that you have. You are experiencing machines, and you will never stop.

When you process an experience that is uniquely yours, it is moved through your very specific perception, and all of your experiences are affecting that perception. So you have a wide array of experiences to choose from when you are defining your reality. You can select which of your experiences you want to amplify and to have more of, and you can toss the others aside.

Once you have an experience, you don’t ever need to have it again. History is not doomed to repeat itself in your life. You are the decider. You are the one who chooses which experiences you want to activate within you, and therefore you choose your perception of reality. You choose how you filter every experience.

When you are in the midst of an experience, you can easily forget that you have this power within you. You may feel like you have no choice but to interpret it through your usual perceptual lens, but you always have a choice. And you empower yourselves by making choices. You certainly empower yourselves by activating the experiences that you would like to have again.

Continue reading Create a Brand New Reality

At the time of the ‘Big Bang’ …

eskimo-nebula-equation-cosmos“At the time of the ‘Big Bang,’ a reference sometimes given to that first dividing of Creator, the highest realm of angels–the archangels–was created.  That’s where the Christed energy resides.  That division was not a diminishing of Creator’s essence, but a proportionate sharing of powers even as the whole remained.  The archangels were not of substance, only of pure love expressed as light.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P.49, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

The Origin of Human Life – Matthew Books by Suzanne Ward

th-11“Mother, intelligent human life did not originate on Earth.  It was introduced there by physical relocation of humans from other planetary systems and their population programs at a crucial point in the evolution of Earth human root stock.  So, in the sense of our ancestry, ALL of us are extraterrestrial to Earth, even during our lifetimes on the planet!                        “Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” p. 48, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward


Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want…?


Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want…? Think about what you want in a relationship and why you want it. Look for those around you who are experiencing good relationships, and feel appreciation for them. Make lists of the positive aspects of those you have spent time with. . . . In fact, one of the fastest ways to make your way to a wonderful relationship is to find any subject that consistently feels good, and focus on that even if it has nothing to do with relationships. 

—Abraham— Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


The Three Most Important Things to Do

                             Lama Sing’s Channeling by Al Miner

Question: Lama Sing, would you be kind enough to list the three most important things you would advise us to do at this special time in the Earth plane?  Thank you.

Enlightenment_WebLama Sing: Very well.

The first, we would suggest is to: Know Self.

For in the Knowing of Self, there comes the potential to be Free. In the Knowing of Self, there is the realization of the inner beauty, and the Knowing of that inner beauty brings one to the realization of Knowing God, not in the sense as one would know a distant being but as one would Know the very essence of life itself within Self. Knowing self gives one that capacity to See, and in the Seeing comes the ability to Know and Understand from the Light that is Uniqueness of Self.

The second would be: Believe.

Believe to the extent that you are what you believe within, that you do not wander about, gathering up this or that as an addendum to something that you think you believe. But rather, choose that which is the Truth within you, and believe unto that in your very life—your words, your deeds, your actions.

The third would be: Love.

Love yourself. Fill the inner cup with the Love that flows eternally from God as a gift to you. And give that forth in the beauty and power of your prayer and in the guidance that is ever received in the Stillness.

Oft be in joyful meditation and prayer, for these are the tools with which God’s work might be done. See?   Apr 30, ’16 – The Three Most Important Things

Living in the Now

th-5Living In The Ever-Present Now Is The Only Answer

This is a new day. Start with this thought before you and make it a perfect day, and then live from day to day filled with joy and happiness. Learn to be as carefree as a child so you enjoy this wonderful life you are living to the full with no regrets and no recriminations. There is so much to be done that living in the ever-present now is the only answer. Never plan too far ahead, allow things to unfold in their own perfect timing.

Findhorn Foundation — Guidance received by Eileen Caddy

Quicker Transformations

Screen-Shot-2017-02-19-at-10.57.03-PM-400x225“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

It does not take nearly as long as you might think it does to accomplish something in the physical reality that you now exist in. The energies that are upon you are speeding everything up to such an extent that manifestation can occur at lightning speeds. Transformations are occurring at much faster rates than you have ever experienced as human beings on planet Earth.

There is a quickening that is taking place, and quite frankly it’s taking your minds and your bodies longer to catch up and to even notice what is occurring. So that’s why we are here to help. We are here to help you circumnavigate your minds so that you can just expect things to unfold quickly and easily and with little or no effort on your part.

If you want to create something in your experience, and let us say that it is something you have wanted to create for quite some time, then just realize that you are not working with the same tools that you have been. Recognize the advantage that you have now that you have made it this far in the shift.

That which previously took years, or months, or days, can happen in a matter of hours. But you must keep believing in your abilities and in what we are saying in order to experience it for yourself.

Continue reading Quicker Transformations

Psychology Today’s “The 5 Things You Should Really Look for in a Partner”

Post59_1_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0In our search for a romantic partner, most of us have a long list of attributes that describe our perfect mate. These preferences go from general traits (e.g., smart, kind, funny, adventurous, understanding) to specific skills and interests (e.g., good cook, loves baseball, politically active, likes to travel). But we realize that we can’t find everything in one person — We’ll have to make some compromises. What are the most important things you should look for if you want to have a happy and successful relationship? Decades of research examining relationship satisfaction and longevity points to several qualities that you may be able to spot early on that make someone a better partner.

1. Focus on kindness, loyalty and understanding, not looks, status, and excitement.

When people are asked to list the most important qualities in a potential partner, kindness, physical attractiveness, an exciting personality, and income/earning potential tend to top the list.1 But some of these traits are more important than others once people actually get involved in relationships. Research I described in detail in an earlier post found that those whose partners meet their ideals in terms of warmth and loyalty are more satisfied with their relationships. Whereas meeting ideals in terms of physical attractiveness, excitement, status, and wealth is much less correlated with overall satisfaction. This research also found that having a having a partner who fell short on attractiveness, status, and excitement did not affect satisfaction if that partner was highly warm, kind, and loyal. So those more “superficial traits” were not important at all, for those whose partners were kind, understanding, and loyal.

Continue reading Psychology Today’s “The 5 Things You Should Really Look for in a Partner”