Osho Zen Tarot Cards

One of my most helpful and inspiring guidance has come from “The Osho Zen Tarot Cards” by the Osho International Foundation.  It is advertized as “The Transcendental Game of Zen.”  Its introductory page says, “During the course of thirty years of talks to disciples and friends, Osho would answer their questions or comment on the teachings of the world’s great sages and scriptures.”  These cards are based on Osho’s wise teachings.

osho-on-osho_i-am-not-seriousTraditionally, tarot cards are used as a method of answering questions about life. It is one way to satisfy a longing to know about one’s past and future. Osho Zen Tarot cards focus on gaining a clear and insightful understanding of your events through the ancient wisdom of Zen. The Zen philosophy says that what happens in the outer world is simply a reflection your own thoughts and feelings.  Asking for answers using these cards enables seekers to turn their attention from outside events to discover clarity of understanding from their innermost, heartfelt wishes.0312117337_b

These tarot cards suggest several sample spreads or layouts for learning answers to your deepest life questions.  Connect with Spirit, choose your card layout, shuffle the cards, think of your question and run your hand over the deck to choose the cards that you are guided to draw.  Doing this from time to time may give you surprisingly accurate results!

Until you decide to buy your own cards, go to the Osho site and use theirs for free.  There are 9 choices or spreads to chose from for answering your question.  Have fun!  http://www.osho.com/iosho/zen-tarot/paradox

Osho on the Capacity of Being Alone

headerOne of the greatest spiritual teachers was Osho, born Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He died in 1990.  Osho’s 30 years of wisdom have been translated and published in a variety of languages worldwide.  His meditations, books, audios and information can be found on this website, http://www.osho.com.


Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter about The Recent Election


Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter
Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness

A Word About Chaos
by Owen K Waters

The recent election results in America have turned the country from one deeply divided into one filled with a sense of chaos.

Today, we stand at a turning point where almost anything can happen. The deciding factor, as always, will be the level of consciousness which is applied to situations as they arise.

Groups of people – even entire countries – share collective states of consciousness. Each one of us affects our shared atmosphere of consciousness for better or worse.

As spiritual people who appreciate the vital need for higher consciousness, we have far more power to affect world consciousness that we realize. It is a silent power that almost seems lost in a world filled with billions of people and, yet, your individual practice of gaining higher consciousness can actually raise the thoughts of millions of other people!

This principle of powerful influence through higher states of consciousness is detailed in my book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

Another section of the book deals – appropriately in today’s world – with chaos. In the chapter, A Word About Chaos, it states:

“In physics, chaos is a phase that occurs during transformation. You can resonate a container of water with sound waves that generate a balanced, symmetrical pattern on the surface of the water. Then, if you turn up the frequency a little, chaos will ensue. The neat pattern on the surface of the water will become choppy and discordant. However, when you turn the frequency up still more, a new pattern emerges, one which is even more complex and beautiful.

“The chaos was a temporary phase between one natural state of harmony and its transformation into a higher form.

“It is much the same with the transformation of humanity through The Shift. The frequency associated with the Old Reality has already been increased. The old pattern has been disturbed and is beginning to go away. In its place is a choppy pattern which is searching for its new form. Discords abound at a personal and social level as old wounds arise seeking attention and resolution. As the frequency rises even more, the chaotic outbreaks upon the surface of life will settle into a new pattern, one which is even more complex and beautiful.”


Matt Kahn’s Spiritual Activation Affirmation Script from truedivinenature.com

“As the Master of my Destiny and the creator of the my reality, I hereby move my consciousness into a parallel time line where all soul contracts have already been resolved. I move my consciousness into a time line where all energetic cords have already been cut and all karmic ties have been undone.  I move into the time line where all ancestral lineages and bloodlines and genetic predispositions have been transmuted.  All cellular memories are released.  All self defeating habits, patterns of sabotage, victim hood, and unconsciousness have been released out of this, my energy field.  Also, my energy field is released of all lower vibrational influences, beliefs, identifications and attachments.  They are returned to the source of its origin, transmuted completely, and returned to the purity, wholeness and perfection of Eternal Light.

As I reside here as a fully conscious, aligned, and embodied, living expression of ascension within my soul’s highest reality within the Fifth Dimensional Earth plane, I acknowledge and celebrate the ascension of Earth that has already occurred to completion. The Shift of the Ages has already shifted.  The Aquarian Age of Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness, that is fully actualized in the present moment time, is anchored as my new zero point field.  In this new, zero point field, I freely receive all the infinite flowing abundance, prosperity, and wealth that has already been given.  The absolute success of my highest destiny is already here.  The greatest fulfillment, the most miraculous health, synchronicity, and immaculate perfection is present in my every breath.  I interact with the highest aspects of all I meet and encounter.  I celebrate the fulfillment of the work that I’ve already done in previous lifetimes.  With anything that is below this highest vibration no longer present in this energy field or any energy field or throughout, the infinite forms of all are present. With a loving heart, living within a cascading waterfall of inspiration, I embody the highest frequency of joy.  I bring forth the highest expressions of truth.  I know and declare that only the loving, wise Universe chooses every word, makes every choice, and orchestrates every opportunity with only the highest possibility ever coming forth.  And in knowing it is so, now and forever, once and for all, I command it as I am now.  And so it is.”

The Great Invocation


The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.