Judy Zebra Knight, born Judith Darlene Hampton (born March 16, 1946), usually known as J.Z. Knight, is an American mystic teacher and author, and is known for her channeling of a spiritual entity named Ramtha.
Judy Zebra Knight, born Judith Darlene Hampton (born March 16, 1946), usually known as J.Z. Knight, is an American mystic teacher and author, and is known for her channeling of a spiritual entity named Ramtha.
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.” Deepak Chopra
“When you are more aware of your own vibration, it also becomes far easier for you to detect vibrations in the environment around you, in individuals, and in situations that come up. You have this sixth sense for a reason, and that reason is to serve you. But sometimes it takes some convincing for you to even attempt to tap in to that intuitive knowing, and so that is what we are here to do now. We invite you to use your intuition and to let it override your mind and your emotions. In so doing, you will also become more adept at creating your reality.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Channeled by Daniel Scranton
WHEN MATTHEW WARD connected telepathically with his mother Suzanne almost 14 years after he died at age 17 in 1980, he told her about their soul level agreement: She was to prepare for publication transmissions from him and many other off-planet sources. Their information is to enlighten, encourage and guide us along Earth’s ascension pathway during this unprecedented time in the universe.