Freedom Has Three Meanings

“The first, freedom from, is a reaction. The second, freedom for, is revolution. The third, just freedom, is rebellion. It is present-oriented. The first is political, the second is poetic, the third is mystic, religious.

What do I mean when I say just freedom? Neither for nor against, no past, no future, just being here, now, just living moment to moment with no ideology, with no utopia.

The real sanyasi, the real mystic, is not against the past, is not for the future. He is so utterly absorbed by the present that he has no time, no energy, for the past and the future. This is how the rebel is born.

The rebel is the most beautiful phenomenon in the world. Buddha is a rebel, so is Jesus; Atisha is a rebel, so is Kabir. These are rebels. You will misunderstand them if you think of them as if they were revolutionaries; they were not. Neither were they reactionaries. Their orientation is totally different, their orientation is now, here. They don’t live for any ideal, and they don’t live against any ideal. They don’t have any ideas; no ideology exists in their consciousness.

The sheer purity of this moment—they live it, they enjoy it, they sing it, they dance it. And when the next moment comes, they live the next moment with the same joy, with the same cheerfulness. They move moment to moment, they don’t plan ahead.”

Osho, “The Book of Wisdom,”

We are All Vibrational Beings

We are all Vibrational Beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you’re off and running — whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.

Abraham Hicks – August 18th, 2002

Great Time to Ask for What You Want!

The potent, Super New Moon Energy of May 25, 2017 in Gemini is the start of a NEW CYCLE!

A super new moon really is an amazing thing. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit. You won’t be seeing this moon (it’s a new moon after all), but nevertheless, it will strongly affect earthly tides and human emotions in days before and following May 25.

A New Moon signifies new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s the perfect time to turn a new leaf, set your intentions, acknowledge goals, and commit to your vision for the next 28 days. A Supermoon also signifies a time of high energy thanks to the moon being closer than ever to us.

However before this new energy can emerge, the old has to be cleared. The old energy we are clearing this time around, comes from the events that stirred around the Scorpio Full Moon earlier in the month.  That full moon was intense and likely brought things to the surface that needed to be cleared from way back in August 2016. 

Perhaps if you look back on your life from that time period til now, you will see just how your journey has unfolded and how themes may have returned in order to be cleared or worked through once and for all. 

The Moon is responsible for our deeper emotions and feelings.  The Moon rules over the unseen worlds and can bring whatever is hiding in our subconscious mind to the surface. This can be confronting at times and can also challenge us to really make changes on the deepest of levels. The Moon also asks us to pay attention to our intuition and the more energetic or spiritual sides of life.

New Moons and Full Moons always represent the start and end of a cycle, but often their impact lingers for months or even years. This is especially true when we have a Super Moon or an Eclipse.

This year, the Super New Moon in Gemini’s May will also be followed by another Super New Moon in June. This double hit of strong lunar energy means that things over the next few weeks may feel intense.

As the Super New Moon falls in Gemini, it will be guiding us to focus on our thoughts and how we have been communicating to ourselves, to others and to the world. Gemini energy is very “thought” driven and often there are times where we all experience our thoughts running away from us.

It is important to understand that our thoughts don’t really belong to us. In a way, our thoughts are like a stream that floats above us, and the thoughts we gravitate towards are the ones that are in alignment with the vibration we are emitting.  Our thoughts are not who we are. You are in fact, the observer of your thoughts but when you blur those lines and identify as your thoughts, that is when suffering can occur.

The Universe doesn’t cause our suffering, we do, our thoughts do. Events come and go, but it’s the thoughts we hold onto that cause us to suffer so much more. We stress, we worry, we become fearful, and very soon we feel mentally, emotionally and even physically sick.

This New Moon is going to be challenging us to view our thoughts differently.

This Gemini energy is going to be guiding us to remember that we are simply the observer of our thoughts and that our thoughts don’t have to define us. We may also find comfort in the fact that the more positive and harmonious we can make our thoughts, the more likely we are to feel better.

We don’t need to engage with all thoughts that come in, but we can open our mind to welcoming in positive and loving thoughts, for no other reason other than to feel good. In fact, this is the super power that we all have- we are all in charge of choosing our thoughts, and what we choose can have a huge impact on how we view our lives.

This Gemini Super Moon is definitely going to be playing with our minds and encouraging us to review and assess the state of our mental activity and our thought processes.  When you can master your thoughts, that is when you will be able to master your life! So use this New Moon as an opportunity to reprogram the way you think.

The May Super New Moon energy is going to linger for the coming weeks and will work alongside the Super New Moon of June, so you may not  be able to fully feel the start of the new cycle just yet. So Mother Moon will need some time to work her magic.

In fact, if you were planning to use this New Moon for manifestation work, you may have to wait a few days in order for this energy to settle so you can really see things clearly and manifest from a clear frame of mind.  When you are ready, set crystal clear intentions to have a peaceful, fulfilling, and balanced life. Plant the seeds of harmony, understanding, and Divine Love so they can grow deep roots during this new 28 days cycle.

May the energy of this special New Supermoon in Gemini give you the impetus to confidently and gracefully jump full speed into your new/renewed Enlightened path!

The Second Phase Of The Acceleration into Ascension Has Begun

By Diane Canfield

“Beloved Light Tribe,

Acceleration has begun as we begin to enter the NEW Reality we have all worked so diligently to create for Expanded Human Kind. The acceleration started on April 26th and have not let up since that Gateway was opened. The Gateway is now wide open and ever expanding. Those that have joined the Ascension process will feel this continuing expansion now.

We are experiencing symptoms of this open doorway that make us feel like we are no longer attached to the 3D plane. This happens as our consciousness rises to meet the consciousness of the Creator which resides at the highest level of enlightenment. We do this now as the DNA codes have transformed out bodies enough and they have become LIGHT enough to be able to feel this expansion.

We are feeling light headed and wobbly as if we are not fully connected to Mother Earth and 3D consciousness anymore. You may find yourself running into objects not realizing we still have an outline of a 3D body. We now find ourselves feeling as though walking between worlds- not fully in either one yet.  You may feel light headed and unsteady. This is unlike any gateways of the past. This is the phase we have been waiting for.

You may feel increased hunger as the light body builds to prepare it’s entrance to the higher dimensions. This is common during high frequency changes. You may have issues with sleep as again a sign of higher frequency changes.

The feeling of being between worlds will continue as we can not make the jump all at once. This shift needs to be worked out slowly and deliberately. This is a Divine plan that has been in the making for eons by the Creator.

We are all here to facilitate this shift and this is the mission we came in with. Our souls chose this before this lifetime. That we would awaken at just the right time (which is different for everyone) to help push this acceleration through. We must hold open our HEART space for all those still stuck in the 3D mindset. This includes the attackers and nay sayers that know not what they do or what they say. There are many still stuck in the lower 3D timelines and by not responding negatively to them we can help them shift up. They will need to examine their own behavior when they get no negative response back and can no longer feed on the  lower energy they have manifested.  The lower energy will come back to them now only magnified and this will force them to deal with it now in a way unlike the past. There will be no more hiding and running from what is created.

We are being shown massive insights within ourselves to examine. This started on April 26th but now is in an accelerated process. We must examine all of our past behaviors and HEAL any karma associated with relationships or unresolved issues. As we now see our past from a higher vantage point, it is easier to go back and resolve and reunify.

You will find you are no longer a vibrational match to the 3D reality and may feel like pulling away. Many aspects you will now see as fake and unreal. The fake side is man’s law that has taken effect and not the Creator’s Law. Since we are all part of the Divine no one has dominion over us in any reality. The control game is coming to a close as higher consciousness will no longer tolerate it.

You will experience expanded compassion and empathy for all beings on Earth. This expansion is at times almost too much to bear. This is the infinite love the Creator has for all of the creations and as we expand we too feel this Love.

Your psychic abilities will now start to jumpstart and come online if you have worked through the fear of your own power. You may now start to see outlines and glimpses of other beings and objects from other dimensions. You may see flashes of light out of the sides of your eyes and goosebumps covering the body. This is the beginning phase of opening your psychic abilities to the higher dimensions.  As you progress you may know things you don’t know how you know them. You will be able to tell if someone is residing in truth or under illusions and lies. You will no longer want to associate with anyone who is not a truth teller as this will feel of a lower vibration that you want no part of.

You will feel much closer to the animal and plant kingdom and all life. You will be able to look at a pet and tune into how it is feeling. Even a animal in a movie. You may be more interested in a horse   (or other animal )  in a movie than the actual characters because you will know the horse is authentic no matter what it is doing.

You will feel drawn to only those who are authentic and who are one with their Divine Souls. You will magnetically be pulled to those with more light and drawn away from those that carry less light.

You will feel the energy waves as they come in to elevate our consciousness. The energy can come in waves and need not be dependent on any outside sources such as flares or solar storms although they do contribute greatly to our advancement when they occur. They are electric in nature and serve to construct our new being of light.

You will see through the mask of those wanting to appear as something or someone they are not. But again we feel compassion for those beings that their ego structure has not come fully into the light yet.

We are here at this time to accomplish this mission. If you resonate with this message you are one of the LIGHT Ones that has chosen to raise the consciousness on Earth at this time. You are not meant to fit into the 3D structures. You are meant to fit into the unique consciousness of LIGHT. We are here to fulfill our mission and we are succeeding on bringing in more Light to the planet. You are needed. You are loved.

Male and Female Energy


“Just as male energy is not the province of only male humans, female energy is not confined to female humans.  Androgynous souls are far more spiritually advanced because of the male and female sexual energy balance they have achieved.”

“Male energy is harsh, often productive by ruthless means, always needing to prove a point or achieve success in a venture. Female energy is gentle, yet with greater, quiet strength as its foundation. Interconnectedness, which is the ultimate in conscious achievement, is female energy.”

“In relationships wherein one partner has only male energy traits and the other has only female energy traits, the female energy partner cannot withstand the imbalance lifelong or the life will not be long.  In my awareness of such relationships, those which remained in that imbalance ended in the early transition of the female energy soul.  The survivor often has no frame of reference of his or her involvement in the partner’s death.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 64, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

An Unlimited Stream of Well-Being


“We are giving this to you by way of helping you understand:  There is an unlimited Stream of Well-Being and an abundance of all manner of things available to you at all times–but you must be in alignment with the receiving of those things.  You cannot stand in resistance of them and receive them at the same time.”

Abraham’s “Ask and It Is Given” Calendar

Soul Reunions in Dreams

th-17“Reunions are of the souls, Mother.  The soul travels wherever it wishes during the sleep or deep meditative states of the person.”

“Mother, here’s a perfect example of how easily these visits of beloved souls in various lifetimes can happen– and this also may surprise you– you have visited this realm many times in your sleep state.  You seldom consciously remember being here with me or our visits with Grandpa and, more recently with Grandma, too. Sometimes you attribute your actual remembering to dreams, which is usual with all people on Earth.  Sometimes you think of us and don’t realize that it’s an actual memory of an actual, recent visit with us that’s triggering your thought. That, too, is usual with all people there.”  “Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P.56, A Matthew Book by Suzanne Ward.

Ascension is All About Love

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have given you a taste of what is to come for humanity, and we are not the only ones who are doing this. There is also energy and information coming to you from your sun that is meant to show you the light. It is meant to enlighten you to the future of the human race on planet Earth and to give you sneak previews of what is to come as you bring yourselves closer and closer to the fifth dimensional experience of your reality.

The energies are also coming to you from planet Earth and the photon belt. When you put all of that together, what you get is a massive amount of energy, information, and love. This is the most important aspect of what you are experiencing.

It is not the DNA upgrades. It is not the cellular upgrades. It is not the unlocking of codes and information within you. The most important element that you are downloading is the love that this universe was created from, that you were created from, and that is the basis for everything in every reality.

The point of all of this is not to get somewhere or achieve something. The point of everything is to love and to know that you are the love that you experience, plain and simple. That is the experience of self as Source. That is the way that you connect with each other. That is the way that you find something in your life to get excited about. That is the perfect reason for all of you to exist and to get out of bed in the morning and do what you do.

It is for the experience of love flowing through you. So embracing this truth means that you give in to that which is calling you, that which is lighting you up, that which energizes you. Because as you do, you find more love within you. You then have more love to give. And the more of it that flows through you, the more alive you feel, and the easier it is for you to step into the full knowing of yourself as a fifth dimensional being, as an infinite being, as a Source Energy being.

This is truly what we desire to give you a taste of in our transmissions. This is what the Earth, the sun, and the photons are also encouraging you to feel.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”