Move Along Your Path

Sometimes it’s hard to keep moving in the direction of your dreams—particularly if you’re hung up on the “cursed hows.” How am I going to get there? How can I make this work? How can I do that? But the truth is, the “hows” are the domain of Divine Intelligence and worrying about them limits its ability to reach you. When you let go of the “hows,” you engage the magic of the Universe and begin creating new possibilities for how it can reach you.

Don’t get stuck waiting for your “ducks to line up.” There will always be reasons you can’t take the next step. The exciting truth is that once you start moving, your ducks will come running! Once you start, the resources you need to finish the journey will be summoned – like more confidence, inspiration, creativity, as well as new partners, friends, and serendipities. But you must start, even when you don’t know how you’re going to finish. You must first move along your path so that the Universe can meet you every step of the way.

In Charge of the Sounds of the Spheres

th-23“The music that motivates the expression, ‘choirs of angels,’ is from energy vibrations sometimes ascribed to the flutter of angels’ winds.  Despite the actual wingless form of angels, that credit still is appropriate because they are in charge of the sounds of the spheres.”

“Mother, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 79, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

An Awakening Experience

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is an awakening of more than just your ego that is occurring. As you recognize that the shift in consciousness is a universal occurrence, you must recognize that you are shifting at every level of your being-ness. Your higher selves and your oversouls exist in higher dimensional states, higher frequency states, and yet they are shifting as well. They are having their own form of an awakening experience.

What that means is, you will be connecting to, and feeling, and experiencing a different type of oversoul being as the shift is completed. You are becoming your higher self. You are becoming the embodiment of your higher self. But you will not be the same higher self that you have been relating to and receiving all of your years on planet Earth in this lifetime. So you and your higher self are merging to create something new, something more magnificent than has ever been experienced.

And of course we are shifting as well, as Source Energy continues to expand, continues to create, explore, and experience more of Itself. There is no end to this journey. There is no place that we are all going. It is all about experiencing more of ourselves, awakening more aspects of who we already are and then using what we uncover to create something new, some new experience of reality.

We are both the experiencers of this journey, and we are all creating it as well, creating it as we go, receiving feedback from our experiences and bringing that new information to that which we are in the process of creating, exploring and experiencing. The energies of the shift are also about merging. They are about merging perspectives, merging the physical and the non-physical, merging the divine feminine with the divine masculine. They are about merging darkness with light, merging polarities.

And like mixing colors creates a different color, we are all in the process of creating something that has never before been experienced, and that is exciting. And that is the way it will always be, as we come together as a universal collective in this shift and recognize ourselves as the Source Energy that is having the ride of Its life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Kahlil Gibran’s Quote About Children

“Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For thir souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the make upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness.
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He also loves the bow that is stable.”
― Kahlil Gibran from The Prophet

Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer.  Born in the town of Bsharri in modern-day Lebanon (then part of Ottoman Mount Lebanon), as a young man he emigrated with his family to the United States where he studied art and began his literary career. In the Arab world, Gibran is regarded as a literary and political rebel. His romantic style was at the heart of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, especially prose poetry, breaking away from the classical school. In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero.

He is chiefly known in the English-speaking world for his 1923 book, “The Prophet,” an early example of inspirational fiction including a series of philosophical essays written in poetic English prose. The book sold well despite a cool critical reception, gaining popularity in the 1930s and again especially in the 1960s counterculture.  Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu.(1883-1931)

A Magical Quote from Dr. Walter Busby’s new book, ” The Journey of a Mystic Child”

“We give away our power to our beloved with the mistaken belief that he or she is responsible for our new and expanded sense of self, while all along it is the opening of our heart center creating this extraordinary experience. If only you could fall in love consciously and not give so much credit to your object of love, you could transcend the addictive nature of romantic love. You would still love your partner, but you would not be needy and dependent.  In fact, because you appreciate them as the catalyst for finding your wholeness, they become a mirror of your self-love and love of the divine essence.

Dr. Busby’s book will be available later this Summer!

Let The I AM Become A Reality To Yo

life_is_simple“A simple faith, a simple KNOWING is all that is needed to bring forth My truths and manifest them here in your lives and living. Life is not complicated – it is absolutely straightforward. If you find it is difficult or complicated, it is of your own making. Change your whole outlook, change your thinking and you will see how simple and straightforward life can really be. Lean on Me, identifying yourself completely with Me. Let the I AM become a reality to you, become part of you so there is no separateness and all is One. Absorb all these wondrous truths. Feel them become a living, vibrating force within you and then peacefully and quietly live and move and have your being in these truths until there is nothing else and you KNOW the wonder and glory of our Oneness, until you at last identify yourselves completely with Me and know your divine heritage, that I AM within you.” 

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy, Findhorn Foundation, England.



The Power of Your Thought

th-25-1The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract… You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.   —Abraham

Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


Osho on Ambition

Here’s what Osho has to say on ambition.

“Ambition is the source of all misery.”

“What is ambition? A wants to be B, the poor want to be rich, the ugly want to be beautiful. Everyone longs to be something, someone else, something other than what he is. No one is content with himself. That’s what ambition is.

Whatsoever you are, you are. Accept it, don’t desire otherwise. This is what non-ambition means. Non-ambitiousness is basic to all spiritual transformation…

Whatsoever you are, you are not content with it. That is ambition. Then you are bound to be in misery, because you cannot be anything else. You can only be yourself, nothing else is possible. All else is just futile, harmful, dangerous. You can waste your life, your existence.

Whatsoever you are, you are. Accept it, don’t desire otherwise. This is what non-ambition means. Non-ambitiousness is basic to all spiritual transformation, because once you accept yourself many things start happening.

The first thing. If you accept yourself totally, the first thing that happens to you is a non-tense life. There is no tension. You don’t want to be anything else, there is nowhere to go. Then you can be here and now. Then, there is no comparison. Then, you are unique, yourself. Then, you are not thinking in terms of others.

Then, there is no future. Ambition needs future, ambition needs space to grow. Ambition cannot grow here and now, there is no space. The moment is so small, so atomic. Ambition needs the future; the greater the ambition, the greater the future that is needed.

If your ambition is so great that it cannot be fulfilled in this life, then you will create an afterlife. You will create heaven, you will create moksha, you will create the concept of rebirth. I am not saying that there is no rebirth. I am saying that you believe in rebirth, not because it is there—you believe in it because your ambitions are so great that they cannot be fulfilled in one lifetime. Your belief in rebirth, reincarnation, is not because it is a fact. It is because of ambition and desire. Reincarnation may be a fact, but for you it is just a fiction. For you it is just more future, more space to move in.

Don’t desire, and the future disappears. And when there is no future how can you be tense? How?

Remember, you cannot be ambitious in the present moment, impossible! There is no space. The present moment is so atomic, so small, that you cannot move in it. You can be in it, but you cannot desire in it. It is long enough to be, but it is not long enough for desiring. To desire, you need future, time. Really, time exists because of desire.

For the trees here, there is no time. For the birds singing here, there is no time. For the stars and for the sun and for the earth, there is no time. Time exists because of human desire. If humanity was not on this earth there would be no time: there would be no past and no future.

So don’t think that the past, the future and the present are parts of time, they are not. The past and the future are parts of a desiring mind. Time consists only of the present, the here-now. Time consists only of eternal moments, the eternal moment. Your desire creates the future. Your memory creates the past. They are parts of your mind. Don’t desire, and the future disappears. And when there is no future how can you be tense? How?

There is no possibility of being tense if there is no future. And if there is no past—if you know that it is simply memory, the dust collected on the way—how can there be any anxiety? With the past, anxiety enters. With the future, plans, imaginations, projections, tensions exist. With the past dropped, the future not opened, you are here, now. No anxiety, no tension, no anguish.

When you accept yourself as you are, the transformation sets in. You start growing, but the dimension differs. Then the dimension is not in the future, the dimension is in the eternal.

Non-ambition means accepting yourself as you are. That doesn’t mean that there is no possibility of growth. No, on the contrary, when you accept yourself as you are, the transformation sets in. You start growing, but the dimension differs. Then the dimension is not in the future, the dimension is in the eternal.

Know well this distinction. You can move in two ways: if you move into the future, you are moving into the mind—a fiction, a dream world. If you don’t move into the future, then a different dimension becomes open for you. From this very moment you are moving into the eternal.

The eternal is hidden in the moment.

If you can be here right now, in the moment, you have entered the eternal. If you go on thinking of the future and the past, you are moving in the temporal. The temporal is the world, and the eternal is nirvana.”

Excerpted from Osho, The New Alchemy,



The Ascension Process – A Message from the Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You all receive so much from the other beings in this galaxy, and we ask you to acknowledge that you are in fact receiving energy transmissions, downloads, codes, information, and activations from beings who are far, far away. The reason that we suggest that you acknowledge this is happening is because in your acknowledgement of it you are able then to integrate and assimilate the myriad of energies that are coming to you from the heavens.

Your place in this galaxy is to anchor in these energies so that all may benefit from your ascension process. You do not need to understand how it occurs. You do not need to know anything about DNA in order for your DNA to receive an upgrade or to get activated, but it will serve you very well to consciously receive that which is being given to you. And by consciously receive, we mean take a few moments to open yourselves up energetically, physically, and within each of your chakras.

Open yourselves up to consciously receive, and you will benefit more from what is being sent to you. Ask before you fall asleep to be shown in your dreams what is happening while you are sleeping. Ask to see the full story behind what is occurring on an energetic level. The more you expect to receive something valuable, the easier it is for you to then demonstrate to yourself that you have in fact received it.

When you have experiences now that you cannot explain or that seem like anomalies, do chalk them up to having received something from one of your benefactors and then luxuriate in the feeling of being surrounded by and bombarded by these high frequency energy transmissions. Bathe yourselves in the love and light that is being poured down upon you at all times. Do less and receive more, and benefit you shall from being a part of this galactic family.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”