Live Happily


                                    “You came forth to live happily ever after.”


                          Excerpted from: Albuquerque, NM on September 01, 2004


Your Emotional Response

th-10“In your moving yourself up the Emotional Scale, your business will begin to prosper in new and profound ways! Your business, your relationships, your finances cannot grow beyond your emotional response – nothing can grow beyond your emotional response. Everything matches your Set-point of emotions on every subject that exists.”

—Abraham —  December 06, 2003


Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

The miracle of the resurrection of Jesus has no historical evidence. There was disagreement within the Gospels. A French historian has studied ancient Knights of the Templar documents that say that the Knights buried Jesus’ bones. Many theologians do not believe in the resurrection. Did Jesus survive crucifixion? Jesus was a Buddha, which means an enlightened being. Did Jesus spend time in Kashmir, India? Was he a Buddhist Monk who was buried in Kashmir? Very interesting documentary!