The Most Common Sign Of A Toxic Relationship Is That You’re Totally In Denial About It

By Brianna Wiest Writer, Editor, Human. Author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think.

“What differentiates a toxic relationship from an abusive one is the fact you don’t realize a relationship is toxic until after the damage has already been done.

Toxic relationships poison you slowly and quietly. That’s what makes them so dangerous.

You don’t stay in a toxic relationship because you lack self-worth, or don’t have the guts or the strength to leave, you stay because you see a silver lining. You stay because you’re convinced that person is your soulmate. You stay because alongside the painful dismissal of your feelings, they pacify you by making promises, highlighting the signs that you’re meant to be. The hope they give you eclipses your pain and then your ability to reason.

You stay because you’re trying to be strong. You stay because you’re taught that there’s no such thing as a toxic person, and that you should take control of your own emotional experience. You stay because someone tells you that the problem is you.

But “toxic relationships” are not the same thing as “wrong” relationships. There are manipulation and diversion tactics at play. These people gaslight, project, twist your words and use them against you. It’s a psychological trap that is designed for you to lose, and the single most pervasive symptom of it is that you find yourself constantly trying to justify why you’re even together in the first place.

The most common sign of a toxic relationship is that it’s one you must constantly, tirelessly defend. Do you know why you’re so defensive? Because you know. Deep down, you’ve known and you still know that something is wrong.

Toxic relationships carry on because you become convinced that you need them. That’s why your brain tries to convince you that you should stay. If you actually felt that you should, it wouldn’t have to work so hard to prove it.

Toxic relationships are blinding, compelling and insidious, and they can take everything from you, but they cannot take your instinct. They can rob you of your joy, your money, your time and the life you once knew, but nobody can take that little voice away from you. You just have to learn to listen to it.

The victims of toxic relationships are not stupid women (or men) who were so desperate for companionship that they wouldn’t let go. They are victims because they were intentionally manipulated for sake of someone else’s gain. They are victims because they were brainwashed to trust someone else’s words over their own instincts, and they are victims because they were baited to keep coming back for more.

But the thing about these kinds of relationships is that they usually do not go on forever. At some point or another, the inner voice wins out – it always does. At some point, victims reach their saturation point, and snap. At some point, the last straw is thrown and they wake up and put all the pieces together.

At some point, they realize that they were blinded by their hope and strength and will, and that someone took their good nature and used it against them.

And what they realize, in retrospect, is that they always knew something was wrong. Being in denial means knowing and not wanting to know – and that’s exactly what a manipulative partner would want. Not for their victims to be content with however they treat them, but to see them weather the most brutal acts, and to still come back for more.

Awakening Your New Abilities ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There is no stopping the human collective and the momentum that is carrying you forward. There is nothing that we can see as a possibility to bring your movement forward, your evolution, to a halt. You are magnificent beings of love and light, and you are awakening more and more every day to the truth of who you are. There is no one and nothing outside of you that can prevent your shift in consciousness.

You are readying yourselves for tremendous leaps forward and granting yourselves access to more and more of who you are every day. Therefore, do not be surprised to awaken new abilities within yourselves. Do not be surprised when you begin to hear and see things that you did not hear and see previously. You are morphing into higher dimensional beings, and as that process continues, you grant yourselves access to those abilities in small spurts and in minor occurrences.

Now once you have one of these episodes, you can call it a fluke, or you can decide that it is an ability that you’re gaining more access to and that you are learning how to utilize more effectively. You ultimately want to access these abilities more consciously, and you ultimately will. There is no question about that. The question is whether you will be patient with yourselves while you are on this journey of awakening these abilities.

Are you going to enjoy the experience, or are you always going to be waiting for the next experience and the next? Are you always going to be looking for confirmation that what you received or what you perceived was real? We suggest that you continue to live your lives and to not get too hung up on when you will be able to access all of your abilities whenever you want to have access them. We suggest that you take each of these experiences as indication that you are moving forward, you are making progress, and that there will always be more to come.

But you can always enjoy what you have right now. You can always enjoy the increased access that you’re experiencing and the knowing that there is always more to come. You get to decide how you experience this awakening process and this ascension process, and you never have to worry that you’re going to be left behind just because someone else is accessing more of their abilities than you are.

When you find yourself in one of those scenarios, just process those emotions that come up and feel happy for your friend. What anyone else can do, you can do as well, and it’s all just a matter of timing.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Transform Your Piece of the Garden

“We are all assigned a piece of the garden, a corner of the universe that is ours to transform.  Our corner of the universe is our own life–our relationships, our homes, our work, our current circumstances–exactly as they are.  Every situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity, perfectly planned by the Holy Spirit, to teach love instead of fear.  Whatever energy system we find ourselves a part of, it’s our job to heal it–to purify the thought forms by purifying our own.  It’s never really a circumstance that needs to change–it’s we who need to change.  The prayer isn’t for God to change our lives, but rather for Him to change us.

That’s the greatest miracle, and ultimately the only one: that you awaken from the dream of separation and become a different kind of person.  People are constantly concerning themselves with what they do: have I achieved enough, written the greatest screenplay, formed the most powerful company?  But the world will not be saved by another great novel, great movie, or great business venture.  It will only be saved by the appearance of great people.”

“A Return to Love” – Marianne Williamson, p. 75-76.

Your Guardian Angels

261x390 Angl Image_v7_darkened.jpg-1485877438“You have guardian angels with you right now. These angels are pure beings of Divine light who are entirely trustworthy and who want to help you with every area of your life. The word angel means “messenger of God.” Angels carry messages between the Creator and the created, like Heavenly postal carriers.

We don’t worship or pray to the angels, because we only worship God. Nor do the angels want to be worshipped. As messengers of God, they carry prayers and messages between the Creator and the created (us).  If you worry whether you’re connecting with God’s trustworthy angel, or a lower energy, ask God and Archangel Michael to protect you and to provide a barrier . . . so that no one, human or spirit, who is not of God’s pure love can come near to you. Once you ask, this is done.

Angels love everyone unconditionally. They look past the surface and see the godliness within us all. They focus only on our Divinity and potential, and not on our “faults.” So angels aren’t judgmental, and they only bring love into our lives. You’re safe with the angels, and you can totally trust them.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, because the angels believe in you. They see your inner light, they know your true talents, and they understand that you have an important life mission. They want to help you with everything.

You don’t need to have special training, be saintlike, or engage in religious work to commune with the angels. They help everyone who calls upon them, no matter what. The angels’ assistance is free of charge, always available, and there are no “catches” involved.

Those who regularly contact their angels report great improvements in their lives. They feel happier, more peaceful and confident, and less afraid of death or the future. They know that they’re not alone, because they have trustworthy guardians watching over them.”    Doreen Virtue’s

You are Creating the New Solar System

galaxy_universe-normal“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We will give you plenty of information that will make much more sense when you are further along on your journeys. So we are planting seeds with all of you. We are helping, and assisting, and putting things in front of you so that you will know when you are on to something. We give you these bits and pieces because we do not want to overload your systems and because it takes time to process that which you receive.

What we want to give you today is a bit of information about your solar system. Your solar system is evolving. Your solar system is changing. You are not going to be in the exact same solar system that you were in when you complete the shift. There will be new planets. There may be two suns. You may no longer have a moon.

There are lots of things that are shifting, and all of this information that we are giving you now is meant to trigger something within you. It’s meant to start you down a particular path, a path that will lead you to more of your galactic history and also more of your role in all of this.

Continue reading You are Creating the New Solar System

Osho on “The Lovers”

“What we call love is really a whole spectrum of relating, reaching from the earth to the sky. At the most earthy level, love is sexual attraction. Many of us remain stuck there, because our conditioning has burdened our sexuality with all kinds of expectations and repressions. Actually the biggest “problem” with sexual love is that it never lasts. Only if we accept this fact can we then really celebrate it for what it is – welcome its happening, and say good-bye with gratitude when it’s not.

Then, as we mature, we can begin to experience the love that exists beyond sexuality and honors the unique individuality of the other. We begin to understand that our partner often functions as a mirror, reflecting unseen aspects of our deeper self and supporting us to become whole.

This love is based in freedom, not expectation or need. Its wings take us higher and higher towards the universal love that experiences all as one.”

Osho Zen Tarot –

A “Proper” Prayer

th-23“What is considered to be a ‘proper’ prayer?

“If such can be called ‘proper,’ your thoughts and feelings of love and caring for others are prayers.  These can be at any time, in any place, with any words or no words, only feelings.  The effects of prayer are directly related to the intent and intensity of the thoughts and feelings.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 82, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

Relationships Are Eternal

“When we physically separate from someone we’ve been involved with, that doesn’t mean the relationship is over.  Relationships are eternal.  The ‘separation’ is another chapter in the relationship.  Often, letting go of the old form of the relationship becomes a lesson in pure love much deeper than any that would have been learned had the couple stayed together.  At the so-called end of

relationships, I have sometimes felt that I was falling in love with the person more deeply than I had been before.  What I’ve discovered for myself is that the Holy Spirit sometimes pulls out all the stops at that moment, simply because it takes all the love we’re capable of to let a person go. ‘I love you so much that I can release you to be where you need to be, to go where you need to go.’  This moment in a relationship is not about an ending.  It’s about the ultimate fulfillment of the purpose in any relationship: that we find the meaning of pure love.”

“A Return to Love” – Marianne Williamson, p. 165-166.