“Now just as it is with legendary love, it evades you throughout your life because if your mind is upon your resentment, if your mind is upon the past, if your mind is upon jealousy, if your mind is upon mistrust and you are the one fostering that, if your mind is laden in any of these lakes, Love — like a rose, like a lilly — shall never foster in your life.” Ramtha, “That Elixir Called Love,” p. 23.
Category: Spiritual Writings
Are You Searching For Your Purpose?
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have observed many of you searching for a purpose in your lives. We have noticed that there tends to be an association with what you do and your feeling of having a purpose and a meaning for your life.
What if, however, the doing was not the significant aspect of your purpose? What if, instead, your purpose was to feel? Can you entertain that notion? Can you believe that it is possible to incarnate for the purpose of feeling something you’ve never felt before?
And if that makes some sense to you, then can you let yourselves off the hook for doing something important? As you feel into the magnificence of your existence, and as you feel into the significance of your shift in consciousness, it is easy then to understand why this whole idea of feeling something new and different could be considered a life’s purpose.
We want you to acknowledge yourselves, and we want you to enjoy yourselves. We want you to see yourselves as the main purpose of your lives. In other words, it is what you become that is the most significant aspect of your incarnating here and now.
Sometimes, in order to become that which you are expanding into, it is necessary for you to sit and do absolutely nothing. In fact, it is easier for you to feel when you are in a state of inaction. And that is in fact one of the reasons why some of you are always so busy. If you’re not busy doing, you’re busy thinking. And the doing and the thinking are what you use to avoid the feeling.
Some of you are even avoiding feeling the higher frequency states because you are afraid that you will come crashing down. And we have seen this as well. We know that it exists as a possibility. But by giving yourself that opportunity to feel something, you do access more of who you are.
And as you access more of who you are, you not only become more significant to this universe in every possible way, but you also get to enjoy the experience. You get to decide what your purpose is. We suggest reaching for something that is fun, or interesting, and seeing that as your purpose in the moment. And then we suggest giving yourself a new purpose in the next moment, and in the next, and the next.
Being purposeful about your life does not mean that you must do something over and over and over again until you get acknowledged for it. Just be yourselves, and let life come to you. And as you experience life in that way, you are living your purpose. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
Awakening the Galactic Family ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are awakening something inside of you that reminds you of your history. You have a history with beings from all over the galaxy and beyond, and that history is a part of the story of your evolution. So of course we would come back around with a lot of friends during this time of your ascension. It is the culmination of everything that we have been working together as a team to help you achieve.
You are certainly not alone in this endeavor. You decided before you incarnated that you would receive our help and the help of other beings to assist you in crossing the threshold to the fifth dimension. Now, there is a non-interference policy when it comes to humanity because in order to preserve the sanctity of your evolution, you need to be allowed to do things for yourselves.
You need to make certain advancements on your own. You need to unlock the codes that we give you. You need to assimilate the downloads that you receive from a myriad of beings. But this is, was, and always will be a group effort, because as we work together we recognize the strength that exists within cooperation and within operating as a collective.
As individuals you can do so much and you can create so much, but operating as a collective of humans alone you could accomplish so much more. And so just imagine how much can be accomplished as we work together as the galactic family that we all are comes together with the common goal of ascension.
We all want this ascension to occur, and one of the ways in which that is accomplished is through empowering you. What we send you is meant to empower you. It is meant to grant you access to more of who you are. We are providing you with the energy, and then you take that energy and you run with it. The same is true of your collaborations with the Earth, the sun, and the photon belt.
What you will do with those energies will always be up to you, but we just know that humanity is choosing a timeline that is for the greatest and highest good of all. And we know that because in many ways we are living proof of humanity’s ascension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
Thought Evolves to Matter
Advise from Suzanne Giesemann
What I Have Learned from Those in Spirit:
♥ You are a beautiful soul who walks in both worlds at once.
You don’t become a soul when you pass to the other side. You are both human and spirit right now.
♥ You are part of one big web connecting all that is.
Heaven is not some far-off place. The physical and non-physical worlds interpenetrate each other. Notice the signs and synchronicities meant to bring you this awareness.
♥ You find your way Home through the heart.
You do not sense and connect with the non-physical world by thinking and using logic. You feel this connection as a “knowing” in your heart.
The Keys to Finding Peace, Tranquility, and Freedom:
♥ Realize who you are.
Who are you? See the three items above. You are Love, temporarily in a physical body.
♥ Balance your head with your heart.
As humans, we need to think, but when we balance thinking with feeling & knowing, we access higher wisdom.
♥ Rise above the duality and observe.
When the drama of of this “Earth School” gets to be too much, shift your identification to that of the soul. From this higher, neutral perspective, you can make wiser choices when you re-assume your story.
♥ Spend time with your Highest Self.
The best way to get to know who you really are is to establish a regular practice of sitting in the Power and connecting with Higher Consciousness.
♥ Make the highest choices.
You do this by following each of the steps listed here.
Celestial Music
“Of all of the arts, music is the most important here (Heaven). I have spoken about our magnificent concerts, but music holds much greater significance for us than that–it’s vital to our very existence! The perimeters of this realm are dependent upon the frequencies of music. The vibrations, especially from the strings, are part of what keeps the entire realm in attunement. Also, music is the single most effective medicine for the soul, and the energy of music is indispensable in our treatment of the traumatized psyches that come here. So, although respect and reverence are given to all masters, you can see why the highest honors are given to the most distinguished souls in music.”
“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P.132, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward
Attracting Desirable Relationships
I Can Attract Relationships That Agree with My Desires… People are not finding it difficult to find the mate of their dreams because that person is not out there, but because of their own contradiction to their own desire in the thoughts they offer about the subject every day.
When you consistently offer thoughts about your future relationship that feel good while you think them, that means you are consistently matching the desires that you have discovered as you have lived life. And under those conditions, only someone in agreement with your desires could come to you. Under those conditions, no need for control is necessary.
Through each exposure to interacting with others, you launch continuous rockets of desires of what you prefer. And only when you are a Vibrational Match to the culmination of those desires will you allow your rendezvous with someone who matches those intentions that you have gathered along your physical trail.
—Abraham— Excerpted from: The Vortex on August 31, 2009
The Up-Leveling of Human Compassion ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have exceeded our expectations on several occasions, and we are pleased to announce that as a result you are taking yourselves closer and closer to the completion of your shift in consciousness. You are opening yourselves up more and more to the energies that are flowing to you. You are finding creative ways of expressing that energy and sending it to where it can do the most good.
And as you work in that way, behind the scenes, so to speak, you help every imaginable situation on planet Earth at this time. What we have noticed and appreciated most about the human collective is your ability to sense when someone else is in need of help. You are becoming more and more telepathic and empathic, and therefore, you don’t need to be asked for help in order to give it.
Oftentimes your friends, relatives, spouses, children will try to deny what it is they are feeling. They will want to pretend that everything is okay, but you sensitive ones are able to detect when something is not quite right. And you take the higher frequencies that you are opening yourselves up to and you offer them to the individuals in your lives that need the most help. This is not even considered a sacrifice to you.
You are happy to help. You are happy to direct that energy where it needs to go, and we see you doing this with people that you don’t even know at times. That is one of the ways in which you are exceeding our expectations. The amount of compassion that is offered and felt by the human collective goes far beyond what any of us in the higher realms could have predicted.
There are certain collectives up here who have more faith in humanity than others, but none of us could have expected the up-leveling of compassion that we have seen in recent months on the collective scale. We are continually blown away by what you are capable of, by how much love is in the heart of humanity, and by your willingness to accept your current circumstances.
Many of you are helping others in whatever way that you can, and at the same time, you are feeling that you could use quite a bit of help yourselves. That is the energy that is going to lead to the collective consciousness expanding and ascending, and that is what we are witnessing, every single day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
Osho on Emotional Pain
“In our society, men in particular have been taught not to cry, to put a brave face on things when they get hurt and not show that they are in pain. But women can fall into this trap too, and all of us at one time or another might feel that the only way to survive is to close off our feelings and emotions so we can’t be hurt again.
If our pain is particularly deep, we might even try to hide it from ourselves. This can make us frozen, rigid, because deep down we know that one small break in the ice will free the hurt to start circulating through us again. Tears hold the key to breaking out of isolation. The tears, and only the tears, have the power to melt the ice. It’s okay to cry, and there is no reason to feel ashamed of your tears. Crying helps us to let go of pain, allows us to be gentle with ourselves, and finally helps us to heal.”
Osho Zen Tarot, www.osho.com