Edgar Cayce’s Seven Meditation Steps

Happiness is inside you.“… in the meditation, don’t meditate upon, but listen to the voice within. For prayer is supplication for direction, for understanding. Meditation is listening to the Divine within.  — Edgar Cayce reading 1861-19

Step One: Find a comfortable position. Keep your spine straight, legs uncrossed, and relax any tense muscles in your body.

Step Two: Head-and-neck exercises. Do each of the following three times: head forward, head backward, head to the right shoulder, head to the left shoulder, rotate head in a complete circle clockwise, rotate head in a complete circle counterclockwise. Do not strain or force.

Step Three:  Deep breathing exercises. Fill lungs from bottom to top, exhale from top to bottom. Breathe in through your right nostril and out through your mouth; repeat three times. Breathe in through your left nostril and out through your right; repeat three times.

Step Four:  Special meditation aids can be used as desired. Music, incense, chants, personal rituals, inspirational reading, prayers and the prayer of protection. Send out light and constructive energies to the people on your personal prayer list.

Step Five: Affirmation and prayer for deeper meditation. Move through the three stages of focusing on the affirmation: thinking about it, feeling it, experiencing it. Return to the thinking stage whenever the mind wanders. Allow ten to fifteen minutes for Step Five. Healing prayer. 

Step Six: Decision making. Test any tentative decisions you have made according to the decision-making exercise.  Breathe into your heart three times, and then see how you feel as you imagine going with a “yes” decision. Also watch for any images that might come to mind. Repeat with a “no” decision. Hold each answer together with your spiritual ideal and your ethical views. Considering all of your answers so far, make a tentative decision: Now, put this tentative decision aside and meditate.

At the conclusion of your quiet time, silently ask your “yes” or “no” question, give the tentative answer you reached earlier, and then wait for any feelings or images that come to mind. What would you say is your “inner” answer? If you are unsure of your inner guidance, you may repeat these steps on another day. However, if you feel confident that your decision is the right one, think about how you might act on your decision.

Take the action, and watch for results.

Step Seven: Health tips for improved meditation.  Remember that meditation and a healthy body can work together in a constructive cycle. The practice of meditation is an important element in your overall program for maintaining good health. Good health practices in your daily life will aid your meditation life. Below are areas to which you might want to pay particular attention:

                                                     Healthy Diet
Eat a good, balanced diet, with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains. The Edgar Cayce readings recommended that 80 percent of the diet consist of non-starchy vegetables and fruits, with the remaining 20 percent provided by proteins, cereals, and starches.  He recommended that meat intake consist mainly of fish, fowl, and lamb, with red meat eaten only sparingly and pork rarely or never.  Also, it is important that we avoid overly processed foods, all fried foods, and foods containing white flour and/or sugar.

                                               Rest and Recreation
Adequate rest and recreation are essential parts of a balanced lifestyle. Be sure to get adequate sleep in order to avoid fatigue during your meditation experience. Recreation helps to relax both your body and mind, which is important when you sit down to meditate.

                                        Eliminate Toxins from Your Body
The elimination of toxins—the waste products left over after the body has digested and metabolized its food—is crucial to good health. You eliminate toxins through your skin, lungs, bowels, and kidneys. The following practices are all helpful:  Breathe deeply and fully, remembering to exhale completely. Breathing exercises before meditation help here, but you should also develop the habit of breathing deeply throughout the day.  Drink at least six to eight glasses of pure water daily, which will help remove toxins and wastes from your body.  Bowel eliminations should be kept regular through proper diet (including lots of fiber) and exercise, especially walking.

Exercise will help keep your body healthy and aid in stress reduction. Always check with your doctor before embarking on any new program of exercise. Moderate, consistent exercise is more helpful than sporadic, strenuous workouts. Gentle stretching and daily walks will go a long way toward keeping you fit and releasing tensions.

Finally, remember that you are a whole person, with all parts working together. Your attitudes and emotions are vital to good health. As you meditate daily, it will have an impact on your physical health. As you pay attention to basic health practices listed here, you’ll find your meditation life enhanced as well.


Edgar Cayce’s Philosophy about Your Life Purpose


According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living in the earth is here for a specific soul purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill. While for some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day. Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.

To discover clues to your own life’s purpose, ask yourself these questions: What makes my heart sing? When in my life do I feel a sense of wonder? In what ways do I feel called to be of service to others? When do I feel closest to God? The Cayce readings suggest that we are closest to living our soul’s purpose when we feel joyful, when we are in awe of the wonder of life around us, when we are being of service to others, and when we are deeply aware of our connection God.

In your contemplative or meditation time, ask your higher self, “What is my soul’s purpose? Why am I here in the earth at this time?” Then become aware of the answers that will come to you through that “still, small voice” from within, or through synchronous events, or even through your dreams. Your soul is communicating with you all the time, and its greatest desire is for you to fulfill your purpose for this life experience.   http://www.edgarcayce.org/the-readings/lifes-purpose-and-challenges

Edgar Cayce’s Seven Prophecies That Came True


Edgar Cayce’s Seven Prophecies That Came True

1) The Stock Market Crash of 1929

In February 1925, during a Life reading for a twenty-six-year-old physician, Cayce stated that the young doctor would soon find himself in possession of a great deal of money. The reading advised the individual to exercise caution and discretion in caring for his wealth especially in the face of “adverse forces that will come then in 1929.” (2723-1)

On another occasion, in March 1929, six months before the stock market crashed, a New York stockbroker was given a severe warning of the impending “great disturbance in financial circles” that was about to take place (900-425). Cayce stated: “…we may expect a considerable break and bear market, see? This issue being between those of the reserves of nations and of INDIVIDUALS, and will cause—unless another of the more STABLE banking conditions come to the relief—a great disturbance in financial circles. This warning has been given, see?”

2) World War II

In 1935, in an amazing display of precognitive perception, Edgar Cayce warned a 29-year-old freight agent of catastrophic events that were building within the international community. In response to a question regarding global affairs, the readings described an entire world at war. Although not seeing the picture as necessarily an unchangeable destiny, Cayce warned that “tendencies in the hearts and souls of men are such” that these conditions could be brought about:

“As to the affairs of an international nature, these we find are in a condition of great anxiety on the part of many; not only as individuals but as to nations.

“And the activities that have already begun have assumed such proportions that there is to be the attempt upon the part of groups to penalize, or to make for the associations of groups to carry on same.

“This will make for the taking of sides, as it were, by various groups or countries or governments. This will be indicated by the Austrians, Germans, and later the Japanese joining in their influence; unseen, and gradually growing to those affairs where there must become, as it were, almost a direct opposition to that which has been the THEME of the Nazis (the Aryan). For these will gradually make for a growing of animosities.

“And unless there is interference from what may be called by many the supernatural forces and influences, that are active in the affairs of nations and peoples, the whole world–as it were–will be set on fire by the militaristic groups and those that are “for” power and expansion in such associations…” (416-7)

3) Pole Shift

“Question: What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.?
Answer: When there is a shifting of the poles; or a new cycle begins.”(826-8) given August 11, 1936NOVA, the PBS television program, reported startling discoveries about our planet’s electromagnetic poles and fields. The program was titled “Magnetic Storm” and was written and produced by David Sington. The reason this is of interest to us is that Edgar Cayce predicted that the beginning of the New Age would coincide with the beginning of a pole shift.

In this NOVA show, scientists explained: “2,000 miles beneath our feet is the Earth’s molten core. Here a vast ocean of liquid iron generates an invisible force, the Earth’s magnetic field. It’s what makes our compasses point north. But it does a lot more: it helps to keep the Earth a living planet. Our neighbors, Venus and Mars, have only weak magnetic fields, which means they’re unprotected from the deadly radiation sweeping through the solar system. The Earth, on the other hand, exists within a vast magnetic cocoon, a force-field that for billions of years has sheltered us on our journey through space.”

Now scientists have made a startling discovery: it seems there’s a storm brewing deep within the Earth, a storm that is weakening our vital magnetic shield. Peter Olson at Johns Hopkins University explained that “the Earth’s magnetic field has been our protector for millennia, and now, it appears, it’s about to go away.”

In reading 826-1, Cayce indicated that the pole shift would become apparent in 2000 to 2001. The NOVA show revealed that the shift has indeed begun in the South Atlantic Ocean region, between Africa and South America. Here the north-south polarity is fluctuating back and forth, weakening the shield against solar radiation. During the pole shift process, the planet’s electromagnetic shield will no longer channel the solar winds to our current poles, where few people live. The Northern and Southern lights are a result of radiation moving to the poles. Since radiation causes many problems, the weakening of the shield is a concern. A weak magnetic shield also means that the Northern and Southern lights will be seen all around the planet, even along the equator. It may be a beautiful, wondrous, visionary time for Earth but not a healthy time for many of its inhabitants.

4) Convergence of Communications Companies

The following reading, given in 1929, is an interesting one on the convergence of large communications companies. These mergers did indeed occur. Also, Cayce’s description of how varied channels of communications working in a more cooperative and structured manner has come to pass.

“(Q) Will the consolidations take place of the Communications company as given in 1928, American Tel & Tel – Int. Tel & Tel? – [See 257-30, Par. 17-A, 18-A on 8/24/28.]
“(A) These combinations in communicative forces, as has been give WILL take place. As to when, and how, consider the conditions as prevent such a coalition at this time. Not only are there some of the laws as concerning same to be changed, but many of the larger holdings are to be won over by death even. In these changes, then, these are to be a GRADUAL change, and will come about much in the same way and manner as the various Express companies came under the direct correlation physically in one form. Not that wars alone are to produce same, but the RUMORS of many of same, making the necessity OF communications in the varied fields to come under one supervision, will make physical coalition. As to when, in time – it may be years, but all of the varied channels of communication will work one with another, and thus the varied commodities in their various divisions – as has been given – will offer an opportunity of investments as for holdings; and as for speculative interest – both those of the air and of physical contact, meaning those of Telegraph, Telephone, as well as Radio or Radial Operative Forces – including International American, Western Union, Westinghouse, and Radio.” [GD’s note: This prophecy was fulfilled. See 416-7 Reports.] (257-36, given April 7, 1929)

5) The Life of the Essenes

Edgar Cayce described the Essenes in detail many years before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls—texts attributed to a then little-known sect called the Essenes. The first of the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, two years after Edgar Cayce’s death. Cayce mentioned the Essenes in 171 different readings. Here are just a few excerpts:

“Before this we find the entity was during those periods when there was much turmoil in the land of Judea, when there was the announcing of the prophet, of the new teacher, and all Judea had gone out to John. The entity then was among those that had been of the students of the Essenes, and in direct connection with many that had been prophesying, had been searching the records of or for the coming of the new light to those that had been hemmed in by tradition and by the acts of peoples in a political and religious purpose in the land.” Edgar Cayce Reading (489-1, given January 17, 1934)

“In that experience we find the entity was a soul seeking through those associations and activities that brought the entity into the environ of the Grecian-Syrophenician surroundings; and in the activity in Palestine grew into womanhood there as one – that would be termed in the present – in the household of the counselor of those that traded with the peoples in that land. With the advent of the Roman rule, the activities of such people became much more important; for there was the necessity of keeping a balance with both the Jew, the Greek and the Roman. When the ministry of the forerunner began, that of itself brought into the association of the entity many of those that were in that particular sect of peoples to whom the entity then was joined – the Essenes . . .It then became a refuge or hospital for those that might become the teachers, the ministers, for the activities of the Essenes or teachers of which the Master was a member during the sojourn in Palestine.” (489-3, given May 24, 1934)

This was a part of that group of Essenes who, headed by Judy, made those interpretations of those activities from the Egyptian experience, – as the Temple Beautiful, and the service in the Temple of Sacrifice. Hence it was in this consecrated place where this selection took place. (1010-17, given June 21, 1942)

6) Blood Used as a Diagnostic Tool

During the course of a physical reading given for one individual, the reading foresaw future medical advancements that might make diagnosis from a drop of blood a possibility. The reading was given in 1927, at the time when the prediction would have been considered the makings of science fiction:

“For, as is seen, there is no condition existent in a body that the reflection of same may not be traced in the blood supply, for not only does the blood stream carry the rebuilding forces to the body, it also takes the used forces and eliminates same through their proper channels in the various portions of the system. Hence we find red blood, white blood and lymph all carried in the veins. These are only separated by the very small portions that act as builders, strainers, destroyers, or resuscitating portions of the system – see? Hence there is ever seen in the blood stream the reflections or evidences of that condition being carried on in the physical body. The day may yet arrive when one may take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of any physical body…” (283-2)

7) La Niña and El Niño Effect

Amazingly, on May 28, 1926, Edgar Cayce made a connection between temperature changes in deep ocean currents and weather changes in reading 195-29:

“As the heat or cold in the various parts of the earth is radiated off, and correlated with reflection in the earth’s atmosphere, this in its action changes the currents or streams in the ocean …”

This reading was concerning the future of wheat crops and weather patterns, and Cayce’s comments may be his version of what is known today as La Niña and El Niño. These are weather patterns that are a result of temperature changes in the deep currents of Earth’s oceans. These changes in the temperature of ocean currents have had dramatic effects on our weather, as Cayce foresaw.

Note: Prophecy and the Edgar Cayce Readings Seven Prophecies That Came True was featured on the History Channel.


Inspiring Performance by Kechi from Nigeria

“Amid applause and cheers from the audience, a young woman steps confidently onto the America’s Got Talent stage. In response to judge Simon Cowell’s query, “Why America’s Got Talent?” Kechi Okwuchi responds, “I want to share my voice.” The 27-year-old went on to share a story of survival, hope, and unshakable faith. That story and her rendition of Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” brought the audience and judges to their feet. Not surprisingly, her talent earned her four “yes” votes.”


Singer, Survivor, and Real-Life Wonder Woman: Kechi Okwuchi

by Elaine Meyer, Editor in Chief of Unity’s Daily Word

A Survivor

Born and raised in Nigeria, singing was always an important pastime in Kechi’s life. That pastime turned to therapy after a fateful day in 2005. Kechi, along with 60 of her fellow classmates from Loyola Jesuit College in Abuja, Nigeria, were traveling on Sosoliso Airlines Flight 1145, when something went terribly wrong:

Fifteen minutes to the end of the flight, the pilot announced that we would be landing soon in the Port Harcourt airport. I was sitting in an aisle seat next to my close friend Toke. Suddenly everything seemed different. We were going down way too fast. Someone in the back shouted, “Is this plane trying to land?” I turned to my friend and we held hands. I asked her, “Maybe we should pray?” but before we could start, there was a loud sound and the next thing I remember was waking up in Milpark Hospital, South Africa. To this day I don’t remember the actual impact of the crash.

The plane, carrying 109 people, had slammed into the ground and burst into flames. Kechi was one of only two survivors and suffered burns over 65 percent of her body.

Finding Faith

Kechi spent the next seven months in the hospital with a majority of that time in intensive care and has endured more than 100 surgeries. She credits her faith, family, friends, and singing for keeping her going.

Before the crash, Kechi was content to view God through her mother’s faith, viewing God as an entity to be respected and feared. During her hospital stay she developed her own personal relationship with God, learning to associate God with pure, unconditional love rather than something to be feared.

There’s truly nothing like prayer. It reinforces faith, which gives you courage. It calms you when things get really hard to deal with. If there’s one thing I learned through this experience, it’s the value of faith.

 Life Is a Journey

Kechi’s life continues to be an amazing journey. She is currently pursuing her M.B.A. and singing remains a passion. Unbeknownst to her, a friend signed her up to audition for the 2017 season of America’s Got Talent. When producers called to say they were interested, she took it in stride. Her faith in God and her optimism has transformed any “whys” into “why not!

When asked what words of encouragement she wanted to share with the Daily Word audience, she replied:

Keep moving forward. Any obstacles you think are blocking you can be overcome. No matter who and where you are, you are always going to encounter obstacles. Never give up. Someone, somewhere, is going through the same thing, or worse. Later you will look back and see how you were able to make it through, and you’ll find the confidence to overcome any future challenges.

Shine Your Light for All of Humanity ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun to recognize the true nature of your being-ness, and you are taking yourselves beyond the limitations that had been in place for humanity for eons of time. You are ready now to bring some more of the light of that true nature to this world. It is very important for you all to recognize that the light within you is more powerful than any government, any corporation, any group of individuals who are seeking to control and dominate.

Your light comes from the purest Source imaginable, and your light is capable of reducing the amount of darkness in this world. You see, as you shine your light in whatever way you choose to shine it, you are illuminating that which needs to be seen, processed, and integrated. And therefore, you quicken the ascension process through your willingness to be who you are.

Now, many of you are looking for something big to do, something that will have an enormous impact on the world and all of her inhabitants. But when we talk about shining your light, we are referring to all of the little ways in which you can choose to express yourselves in the moment. You can dance, and you can sing. You can paint and draw. You can give freely of your time and your compassion.

And each opportunity that comes your way to do so helps you to break free from that limitation, that self-imposed limitation that was set in place to keep you small, to keep you playing a third-dimensional game. But your light is all that is required to release you from that limitation. And your light is easy to find. Look within your hearts, feel for it, and let it guide you to the next most exhilarating adventure that you can take.

And as we have said, that exhilarating adventure could be taking a sculpting class. It could be gardening. It could be going on a hike that you’ve never been on before. You are the best ones to determine what makes your light shine most brightly in the moment. So check in with those hearts of yours and let your light guide the way for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com

Loud Discordant Music

th-23“Loud discordant music–NOISE!–agitates the spirit and creates imbalance within the human psyche.  As the imbalance increases, the psyche’s capacity to absorb light energy decreases.  Consistent decreasing eventually can destroy that capacity altogether.  Generating imbalance is one of the dark forces’ most effective strategies on Earth, and the kind of music that accomplishes it is one of their tools.  Thus, without the awareness of the composers, musicians and listeners, they are being drawn into darkness.  The sound they think captivates them actually is capturing them, because it is strategically designed by the darkness to stunt spiritual growth and adversely affect emotional, physical and mental integrity.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P.134, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward