Physical Recalibrations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have been able to take in so much in recent months and years that your systems need to be recalibrated in order to handle the energy, the codes, and the information that you are downloading. All of you are different. There are not two individuals, even twins, who are exactly the same physically. There are several factors involved in why you are different, but that is not the point of this transmission.

What we are here to tell you is that the recalibrations that are occurring in your physical bodies have repercussions on how you feel physically. You may be inspired to make changes to your diet, to the amount of water that you drink, and your sleep schedule is probably going to be affected as well. Some of you are sleeping for longer periods. Some of you simply cannot sleep as much as you would like. Again, you are all different.

And you also have different energies that are available to each of you. You all have different needs for different codes, different DNA upgrades, and so on. So you cannot compare your experience to someone else’s and you cannot define what is normal in this day and age. There simply is no normal experience. Now those of you who are awake have an advantage. The advantage that you have is that you know what you are experiencing is for your highest good.

What is important, however, is that you listen to your bodies and that you listen to the impulses that you are getting. We want you to pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. Seek out any supplements that you feel inspired to seek out. If people in your life keep telling you about a particular supplement, remember that is you sending you that message. You are very clever like that.

And your guides will do what they do as well, shifting your attention, turning your head, perking you up when a conversation is happening. And so we advise you to listen to these subtle nudges that you are getting to help yourselves through this challenging time of the physical recalibration that is necessary for you to be the recipients of all that is coming your way.

You are here to experience change, and some of the changes that you are experiencing are more pleasant than others, but you always have the option of making things more pleasant for yourselves.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Imagine It


“Leverage your time more by spending a little more time every day imagining and a lot less time every day doing. Do a little more imagining and a little more less doing. Until eventually most of what’s happening is happening in the cool, calm, anticipatory state. Just imagine yourself into the successes, and watch what happens. Imagine a little more and act a little less.”

—Abraham —  January 24, 1998


Awareness of the Bigger Picture ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It will become clear to you what your lives have been leading you towards when you explore more deeply the senses that you have within you. Everything that happens in your life is meant to trigger something within you. You are getting triggered all of the time. Your emotions get triggered. Your memories get triggered. Your thoughts, beliefs, and inspired ideas get triggered by circumstances and events that occur in your lives.
When you have a certain level of awareness, you see right through it all. You see it for what it is, and it is always meant to serve your greatest and highest good. So you may still get triggered when you have this awareness, and what shifts is how you react. What shifts is what you do about being triggered.
Now not every experience of being triggered is what you would call negative, but your responses and your reactions, regardless of whether what is occurring is positive or negative from your perspective, are shifting. They shift because of your awareness of what is actually happening.
When you see the bigger picture of your evolution, and you stay in that bigger picture, you are able to navigate smoothly through circumstances and events in your lives that would have previously shaken you up a bit. Now, when it is something positive that is triggering you, there can be a tendency within humans to overreact and take actions that do not serve you, just as when something you perceive as negative occurs you can take actions that do not serve you.
Awareness here is the key to rising above any circumstances, any reactions, any responses that occur within you, so that you can take appropriate action, or take no action at all. It is always better for you to absorb the energy and the vibration of what is in front of you before making a rash decision about it. We see you coming closer and closer to that time where you are able to hold the awareness of the bigger picture that serves you, and we are happy to see you reacting less impulsively and absorbing more vibrationally.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What Really Matters

12651343_10153780391936023_1459460638926827567_n“It does not matter how long you are on the Earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.”

–Dr. Amit Ray (born August 12, 1960) is an Indian  author, and spiritual master. He is known to the world for his teachings on meditation, yoga, peace and compassion.

You Hold Deep Within You All The Secrets Of The Universe

“Let nothing disturb or distress you. Seek deep within and find perfect wisdom and understanding. You hold deep within you all the secrets of the Universe. There is no need to waste time seeking them from without, they have been yours from the beginning, but have had to lie dormant until you were ready to recognise them and accept them. Then when you are ready nothing is withheld from you, and you know that all I have and all I AM is yours. No longer are you in the dark, groping your way around; the light of truth is sharing faith from within you, lighting every inch of the way. So you can no longer lose your way, but can walk along that straight and narrow path fearlessly and with joy in your hearts.”

21 July 2017,

After Death Akashic Records Review

th-30“When the cumulative soul examines its lifeprint in the Akashic Records, reviewing the immediate past life and evaluating it in conjunctions with all prior lifetimes is a great lesson in itself.  When a review shows that undesirable traits have been pointed out repeatedly without improvement in lifetime after lifetime, the soul can make intense efforts while here (in Heaven)–often with counseling–to overcome that pattern.”  (The Akashic Records are the universal recording and storage system of all soul’s experiencing in all lifetimes.)

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 138, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward