Category: Spiritual Writings
Choose Happy Thoughts
“By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of attraction — which means you are creating your own reality. It’s such a wonderful thing to realize that you can create your own reality without sticking your nose in everybody else’s, and that the less attention you give to everybody else’s reality, the purer your vibration is going to be — and the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.”
—Abraham— December 08, 2001
How to Clear Your Negative Energy with the Solar Eclipse and a Crystal
How to Clear Your Negative Energy With the Solar Eclipse and a Crystal
Today, wash your crystals in sea salt water, dry and put them in the Eclipse Sun! Doing this will energize them!
Pretty, powerful, and full of energy, crystals can be used as a tool to help you in any aspect of your life. And this month, you may feel like you need all the help you can get! Two powerful eclipses—the lunar eclipse earlier this month and the forthcoming solar eclipse on August 21—are both bringing powerful energies that you may feel at work, in romantic interactions, and even in conversations with yourself. Emotions are heightened, decisions are charged, and there’s extra urgency in everything you do. Combine those feelings with Mercury currently in retrograde, and it would be a miracle if you didn’tfeel out of sorts. But eclipse season is also an optimal time to invite clear, positive energy into your life, and crystals may be able to help.
“Crystals aren’t a magic bullet, but they are a tool that can help ground us and guide us,” explains Heather Askinosie, a crystal expert and holistic healer and co-founder of Energy Muse, a crystal shop, who, along with co-founder Timmi Jandro, are authors of the forthcoming Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to Tune in to the Real You. She adds: “Crystals are from the earth, and because of that, they can be really helpful in connecting us to our essential selves, especially since we’re so removed from the earth and the rhythms of the seasons in our daily lives.” Here, Askinosie shares how to use crystals as a tool to banish negative energy and provide clarity this eclipse season.
3 Steps to Banishing Bad Energy in Eclipse Season—and Beyond:
1. Choose a crystal that moves you.
First, walk into a crystal shop and pick up various stones. You may find you can’t put one down. That one, whatever it may be, is likely the one you’re meant to be working with, shares Askinosie. “Often, people ask what crystal is best for them, and I say, ‘I have no idea.’ I begin asking a few questions about what’s going on in their lives, but they may find their heart and body leading them to the right stone.” One popular (and pretty) crystal? Carnelian, a stone that can help ward off negative energies, impart courage, and enhance energy.
Carnelian can help you speak your mind
and give you the confidence to shrug off naysayers.
Another workhorse of the crystal world is rose quartz, a soft-colored stone that can help protect the heart and emotions. Rose quartz is a great choice for eclipse season, when tensions are high and harsh words may fly. “Rose quartz helps us protect our own heart and not take things so personally,” shares Askinosie. Wearing a rose quartz pendant, or keeping a stone in your pocket, will definitely be helpful in the upcoming weeks.
Protect your heart with rose quartz!
Amethyst also works well to help us tap into our intuition and what really matters. Advises Askinosie: “It can help us think big picture and get past the pettiness of the day to day. Meditating with Amethyst in your hands or placed in front of you clears your mind of clutter, stress, and anxiety. It facilitates the releasing of attachments, helping you to let go of the things that are no longer serving your highest self.”
Amethyst is said to clear the mind and optimize brain cells.
Another amazing all purpose stone, clear quartz, can help amplify our energy and intentions, says Askinosie. She advises: “Let it help bring clarity to shadows of the soul and help you manifest your intentions like never before.”
Clear quartz can help us adapt and excel during change.
2. Charge your crystal with your intention to release negative energy.
Now that you have your crystal, Askinosie says the next step is to give it a “job.” In this case, the job is to release negative energy, so you will hold the stone in your hand and repeat (to yourself or outloud, it doesn’t matter which): “I release my negative energy.” Then, whenever you touch it, you will be subtly reminded of what you set out to do. “Using a crystal can help combine the energy of the earth with the energy of your own intention,” says Askinosie. Since eclipses are especially powerful and energetic periods, charging a crystal now can be especially helpful. Another way to charge the crystal with good energy: Put it outside during the next full moon cycle!
3. Make a plan to protect your delicious new energy.
So, you’ve charged your crystal, and released some (or all, if it was a powerful clearing session) of your negative energy. Now, you’ve got to keep your energy clean. Since you know that the next two weeks are likely to be an emotional rollercoaster, you’ll want to create a regular ritual to help you stay grounded and positive. Askinosie says that the key is coming up with a ritual that works for you. A protective spell we at love comes from our Spirit Goddess, Gala Darling. It’s called “zipping up,” and it’s incredibly easy and effective. Just imagine a huge zipper that starts at your pelvis and runs all the way up to the top of your head. Visualize closing that zipper, and thereby shielding your energy from any bad vibes you might encounter during the day. And of course, taking aworkout class you love, or making sure to set aside time to decompress with friends, can and should be part of your eclipse season strategy, too.
Cleansing Prayer
Meditations During the August 21, 2017 Total Eclipse
1) Find a place to focally meditate at some point during the eclipse maximum. The actual window of maximum will be from 11:00 AM PDT thru to 3 Pm EDT.
2) Use your own technique, but the use of a crystal will assist in the amplification. Of highest intent.
3)Visualize Golden Energy of Harmony & unconditional Love bathing the planet, and bringing harmony and Divine Love to all Beings.
Highest Good Global Meditation – Suggested Instructions:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Earth-Keepers, and Truth Seekers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire, in harmony highest good. Visualize Unconditional Love !
The Eclipse & You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
Yes, you have arrived at an important point in this calendar year. You are all aware of the celestial bodies, their movement, and the effects that their energies have on those of you living on planet Earth. The eclipse that is coming is an important event because the moments that the sun will be behind the moon are an opportunity for all of you to recognize that you have the ability to access the power of the sun within you.
The sun, like everything else in the universe, exists within you. It also exists outside of you from a certain perspective. But the sun itself, the energy of it, the power, the wisdom, the higher frequencies, they all exist within you. In the moments when the moon is blocking the sun from the Earth, we invite you to feel for everything that the sun provides for you as potential energy that exists within you.
You have the ability to shine light. You have the ability to offer warmth. You have the ability to nurture life, to provide insight. You have the ability to send transmissions of light, transmissions of energy. You also have your flare-ups, and you also have aspects that when taken to an extreme are unhealthy. So you see, you are the sun.
You also have an ability to access the aspects of the sun that you want to access in any given moment. You can choose to be the version of the sun that you want to be, and when the sun comes back, you will once again benefit from its presence. It acts as a reminder to all of you of how powerful you are, how much light you have within you, and how much potential there is within each of you for anything and everything under the sun.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Total Solar Eclipse Tomorrow!
“What’s special about the August 21 ‘Great American Eclipse’?
Over the millennia, astrologers – those who studied the heavens in order to interpret such cosmic signs – have devised numerous techniques to tease out the details of what a particular eclipse might mean for nations, their rulers and people.
Today’s astrologers are no different. They look for clues for the meaning of an eclipse in its visible appearance in the sky, the location it shadows on earth, in synchronicities between similar eclipses, or in other horoscopes affected most strongly by the eclipse.
Astrologers see this August 21 “Great American Eclipse” as a herald of a major turning point for the U.S. for many reasons:
• First total solar eclipse to be visible coast-to-coast across the U.S. in nearly 100 years
• First total solar eclipse to be visible only in the U.S. since the nation was founded in 1776
• The first eclipse in Saros 145 occurred in 1639, just weeks before the signing of the first state constitution (for Connecticut)
ASTROLOGY HUB presents… The Ultimate Eclipse Guide Page 12
• The first eclipse in the series also occurred at 13 degrees Capricorn, exactly opposite the point at which the Sun was located at the birth of the US on July 4, 1776 (13 Cancer)
• Saros 145 eclipses have occurred just prior to major events in U.S. history, including the bombing of Hiroshima and the assassination of JFK
• The August 21 Eclipse (28 Leo) falls opposite the position of the Moon (27 Aquarius) at the birth of the U.S. on July 4, 1776
• The August 21 eclipse occurs conjunct the fixed star Regulus. The Heart of the constellation Leo, it’s a star known since ancient times for its association with kings and kingship. A solar eclipse conjunct Regulus would have been an omen of the fall of kings
• President Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse
• The August 21 eclipse falls directly on the point that was rising over the horizon at the moment of President Trump’s birth, as well as the planet Mars
• The August 21 eclipse is an eclipse on the North Node, suggesting something new is ready to be born.
Even for astrology, that’s a lot of cosmic coincidence!”
Thoughts Become Beliefs
“Every thought that has ever been thought still exists, and whenever you focus upon a thought, you activate the vibration of that thought within you. So, whatever you are currently giving your attention to is an activated thought. But when you turn your attention away from a thought, it becomes dormant, or no longer active. As you give more and more attention to any thought, and as you focus upon it, the thought becomes an even bigger part of your vibration and you could now call this practiced thought a belief.” Abraham-Hicks Calendar
“Every second, our Earth receives billions of megawatts of electromagnetic energy from the Sun. During a Solar Eclipse, that stream of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light is blocked by our Moon, which is 400 times smaller than the Sun but, amazingly, also 400 times closer. That momentary suspension of electromagnetic energy affects the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as our pineal gland and DNA, facilitating a reboot and reconfiguration of consciousness!
This happens every 19 years! On August 21, 1998, there was an annular solar eclipse at virtually the same degree, 28’49’ Leo. This August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse calls us to remember our divine destiny. What was important for you on August 21, 1998? Where must you go to the next level now in 2017?” p. 29
The Mountain Astrologer – August 2017