Being on the Frontlines of the Shift ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It has been quite a journey for some of you who have incarnated to be awakened at this time of the shift. You have chosen to be leaders in the movement of energy, and this has led you to experience less-than-ideal third-dimensional lives. In other words, you needed a reason to want to go within yourselves, to want to experience something more than what the physical planet had to offer.

And so you sought refuge in meditation, and you sought to heal yourselves through spiritual practices. You sought out connection with other beings, including those from other parts of the galaxy. And this has all served you in that pre-incarnational quest to be on the frontlines of the shift.

If you had decided instead to incarnate into perfect lives, with lots of love, abundance, direction, friends, and everything else that you traditionally would want for a lifetime, you would not have taken the steps that you’ve taken to be more than what your physical expression could bring you. You also faced certain challenges in your lives so that you could access pain, trauma, and negative emotion.

Now why would you do this? Why would this be a part of that spiritual evolution that you sought before incarnating? It is through the experience of what you would call negative or unwanted that you are summoning more energy, that you are moving more energy, and that you are becoming more focused.

You want to be fifth-dimensional creator beings who operate with vibration, and that is what you are becoming. It is through connecting with yourselves that you have been able to access the vibrations that you access, and it is through accessing those vibrations that you become very adept at creating your reality.

The first step is always in creating yourselves. And as you create the fifth-dimensional version of yourself, you put yourself on a timeline for a smooth transition to the fifth dimension where you will have all of the tools necessary to help others along their way as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

New Angel Message from Ann Albers

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each and every one of you is a magnificent creator. At every moment you are creating – both consciously and unconsciously. In every second that you are upon the earth, you have the opportunity to move forward into greater awareness or to fall back into unconscious patterns. With every breath you can consciously choose a more loving reality or unconsciously choose the reality you have been programmed to expect.

Every moment is ripe with potential. You get to decide how you will use it.

If you look at those whose lives have been interrupted by natural disasters, for example, you’ll see that many are more awake, more alive, more present, more aware, and more loving than ever before. No longer able to operate routinely, entire communities awaken to the present moment and to the love that flows between them.

Suddenly “love your neighbor as yourself” takes on new meaning. You have to save your own life. You have to save your neighbor. People share food. They encourage one another. They look out for each other and they give thanks for what they do have, even while mourning the losses. They care for the animals.

Some people die and return to a greater love than you can possibly imagine. Some are injured and learn that even when they’re not in control they are cared for and loved. Some, sadly cling to their beliefs and their suffering even as the forces of nature try to provide a classroom opportunity to wash those debilitating beliefs away.

The opportunities for love are there in each moment. Even in unthinkably difficult situations the Source is whispering, always trying to awaken you to its Love and kinder reality. Even in the disasters we are walking with you and guiding you.

We are there holding people’s hands and hearts as the winds blow and the waters rise. We are sending neighbors to help neighbors, inspiring first responders to look where they will find those in need of rescue. We are giving the infirm ideas about who to reach out to for help. We are escorting the dying – both humans and animals – into the glorious light of love. We are guiding lost puppies to loving care. We are comforting the injured. We are there with each and every person involved, doing everything that their free will, beliefs, and choices allow for.

We love you so much. We try to help you avoid suffering, long before you manifest the experience of it. Even if the sum total of your beliefs and choices has guided you into hardship, we are there, working to help you find your way back to a kinder, loving reality… one loving choice at at time.

In each and every moment – in the calm and the storm – choosing to believe in, receive, and share love is your path into kinder realities.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Thoughts ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed that you all like to sit with a particular thought and ruminate on it until it has worn out its welcome. We see you intersecting with certain thought forms and then dissecting them as if they were somehow now your problem to deal with or fix. You don’t have to worry about fixing anything, and you certainly don’t have to worry about any thought that comes into your awareness as though it were somehow a part of you.

Your thoughts are not your own. You borrow them, and it usually serves you better to give them back before you all do. You mustn’t be afraid of the thoughts you think. It does not serve you to give them any power over you whatsoever.

Many individuals have been led to believe that their thoughts originate from inside of them, but we know that thoughts are floating around, and you are colliding with them. And then you have to determine for yourself whether you want to continue to exist in that thought’s presence or whether you would like to move on.

Thoughts, like emotions, can move right through you if you allow them to. But once you let them define you, then you feel that it is your responsibility to do something about them. You are energy that vibrates, and when you vibrate in harmony with other energies, you become aware of them.

If you don’t like the energies that you are becoming aware of, that you are intersecting with, then it is to your benefit to change your vibration. Go to the core of what is bringing you that thought, but let the thought be. Let the thought exist for those who want to harmonize with it.

When you understand the importance of vibration, you will also understand that thoughts are just symbols. They have absolutely no power over you, unless you give them that power, unless you let them define you. We know you as you really are – pure, unconditional love. And that is how we will always see you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



The Fine Art of Not Being Offended

            Nothing is Personal

Originally posted on Shemsi Prinzivalli, Practical Spirituality: Living in the Modern World

There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely speak of it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date.

In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defenses and attempts to survive. Most of it, even when aimed directly at us, has nothing to do with us. Usually, it has more to do with all the other times, and in particular the first few times, that this person experienced a similar situation, usually when they were young.

Study of the Soul

Yes, this is psychodynamic. But let’s face it, we live in a world where psychodynamics are what make the world go around. An individual who wishes to live successfully in the world as a spiritual person really needs to understand that psychology is as spiritual as prayer. In fact, the word psychology literally means ‘the study of the soul’.

All of that said, almost nothing is personal. Even with our closest loved ones, our beloved partners, our children and our friends. We are all swimming in the projections and filters of each other’s life experiences and often we are just the stand-ins, the chess pieces of life to which our loved ones have their own built-in reactions. This is not to dehumanize life or take away the intimacy from our relationships, but mainly for us to know that almost every time we get offended, we are actually just in a misunderstanding.

Are They Hurting?

A true embodiment of this idea actually allows for more intimacy and less suffering throughout all of our relationships. When we know that we are just the one who happens to be standing in the right place at the right psychodynamic time for someone to say or do what they are doing—we don’t have to take life personally. If it weren’t us, it would likely be someone else.

This frees us to be a little more detached from the reactions of people around us. How often do we react to a statement of another by being offended rather than seeing that the other might actually be hurting? In fact, every time we get offended, it is actually an opportunity to extend kindness to one who may be suffering—even if they themselves do not appear that way on the surface.

All anger, all acting out, all harshness, all criticism, is in truth a form of suffering. When we provide no velcro for it to stick, something changes in the world. We do not even have to say a thing. In fact, it is usually better not to say a thing.

People who are suffering on the inside, but not showing it on the outside, are usually not keen on someone pointing out to them that they are suffering. We do not have to be our loved one’s therapist. We need only understand the situation and move on. In the least, we ourselves experience less suffering and at best, we have a chance to make the world a better place.

No Harm to Self

This is also not to be confused with allowing ourselves to be hurt, neglected, or taken advantage of.  True compassion does not allow harm to ourselves either.  But when we know that nothing is personal, a magical thing happens.  Many of the seeming abusers of the world start to leave our lives. Once we are conscious, so called abuse can only happen if we believe what the other is saying.

When we know nothing is personal, we also do not end up feeling abused. We can say, “Thank you for sharing,” and move on. We are not hooked by what another does or says, since we know it is not about us. When we know that our inherent worth is not determined by what another says, does or believes, we can take the world a little less seriously. And if necessary, we can just walk away without creating more misery for ourselves or having to convince the other person that we are good and worthy people.

The great challenge of our world is to live a life of contentment regardless of what other people do, say, think or believe. The fine art of not being offended is one of the many skills for being a practical mystic. Though it may take a lifetime of practice, it is truly one of the best kept secrets for living a happy life.



You Can Do All Things Through Me

  Guidance by Eileen Caddy

“Change quickly. Whenever you are negative about something or someone, instantly you can change and see the positive, the best. Whenever you are unloving, you can become loving, or intolerant you can become tolerant, when you turn to Me for help and do not try and do it yourself and rely on your own understanding. You can do nothing of yourselves but you can do all things through Me, for I uphold you and strengthen you and guide your every step when you will let Me.”


Excerpts from the New Metatron Channeling about the Hurricane

Understanding Natural Disasters  
The Winds & Waters of Change

Excerpts from the New Metatron via Tyberonn Channel:

“….We speak today on natural disasters.  A very recent super-storm has occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, with cataclysmic landfall occurring in Texas and Louisiana…..


….Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land and structures, these catastrophes are not meant as any retribution….
…Every soul whose physical life ends in such events, makes the choice to do so in free will and in higher purpose. ..
…We  tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another. And this aspect of unity was indeed seen in the areas of the Texas and Louisiana hurricane/tropical storm….
…It is true that when humans suffer great loss in a devastating disaster, as excruciating & painful as it is, the survivors overwhelmingly express their gratitude at still being alive. For such traumatic events bring a sense of renewed priority , a deeper understanding of the value &  ‘gift of life’. And in most cases, live their lives with a renewed sense of harmony and love toward one another, a great and greater understanding that changes them for the better …
….Now, although the cleansing shift aspect of that termed as hurricanes, forest fires, tornadoes, earthquakes & tsunamis are natural occurrences requisite for the planet, these in the recent circumstance, also have an effect of re-prioritization….
…Many of you do not realize that there are also very intricate relationships that exist between the psychological environment of the human collective thought-flow, and ensuing weather affects & climatic patterns. We tell you that people’s collective thoughts  indeed play a key role. 
…Accordingly humanity collectively can and do, play a role in the formation & effect of that which you consider to be ‘natural disasters’….especially in times of polarization, political upheaval & fear…
…In this way, natural disasters, often create a scenario which alter priorities, upshifts collective thinking in manners that bring about a higher good, and enable a need for unity, of mutual caring and assistance in the face of the tempest….
… You think of flooding or earthquakes as totally natural events, but you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same way….or consider that your fears, prejudices or emotionally charged thoughts played a role in the manifestation of any disaster. And that the disaster itself helped you raise your consciousness into a more aware context, in which mankind have the opportunity to become kind men, and neighbors become truly  neighborly…
… Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth. But it is often in very difficult times that you rise to the occasion, and transcend your ‘limits’. For it is through facing your chosen ‘set-ups’ that you master the lessons of love offered in the curriculum of duality….”

What is Hoʻoponopono?

220px-KokeeHo’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Hoʻoponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble. Usually the most senior member of the family conducts it. He or she gathers the family together. If the family is unable to work through a problem, they turn to a respected outsider.

The process begins with prayer. A statement of the problem is made, and the transgression discussed. Family members are expected to work problems through and cooperate, not “hold fast to the fault”. One or more periods of silence may be taken for reflection on the entanglement of emotions and injuries. Everyone’s feelings are acknowledged. Then confession, repentance and forgiveness take place. Everyone releases (kala) each other, letting go. They cut off the past (ʻoki), and together they close the event with a ceremonial feast.                                      Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Blessings are Everywhere


“You may have seen better days, but you have also seen worse..
You might not have all your wants, but you do have all your needs..
You woke up with a few aches and pains, but you woke up..
Your life may not be perfect, but it is good..
And more good things are coming down the road as long as you keep moving forward…”
-Lori Brough

About Jenny Schiltz, Channeler

Jenny Schiltz is a shamanic healer, ascension guide, and activator who channels the Ascended Masters & offers Ascension guidance classes and readings.

She can communicate with other dimensions and help you to know what needs to be done within to remember your soul and connect with your highest self. Her main role is to empower you to become the walking master that you have forgotten that you are. She has one on one healing sessions and is trained in soul retrievals to help bring home all the parts of the soul that may have become lost due to the density of this incarnation.

As a child, Jenny could see and communicate with other beings and elementals. This ability was fostered by her grandfather. He passed when Jenny was 8 and in her attempt to find others to share her experiences with she was met with fear and disbelief. She shut down her abilities and locked them away deep within herself. While she was always interested in spiritual things, she did not allow herself to reconnect, instead she believed that she had to rely on others.  She spent much of her life repressing her natural abilities, living a life that was considered normal.  Not honoring who she was left her in poor health physically and mentally.

She reopened her gifts by healing her inner child and working on the fears and doubts that plague so many healers. She connects with all levels from earth bound spirits, elementals, guides, and angels to the Galactic Councils. She uses this gift to bring messages to the awakening world.  She brings this gift into her personal sessions, workshops and teleseminars. To further help others heal she became a shamanic healer skilled in extraction and soul retrievals.

Jenny is a mother of 3 wonderful children who have kept her very busy and grounded during all the changes taking place within and to the collective as a whole. She feels that coming from this prospective allows her to understand the diverse aspects of going through a spiritual awakening while maintaining a foot in the world around her. She offers practical advice and understands the demands that can be placed on a soul in transition. She also understands the cost of not honoring our true self and calling and uses that information to assist others in reconnecting with their highest aspect. She strives to teach through empowering each person to be their own master, their own healer. She works in depth with the guides, angels, and masters and helps to facilitate the clearing of blocks, unwanted energies and to heal the chakras. She is also guided to perform upgrades and activations.   Each session is individual and tailored to what a person needs in this moment on the journey to becoming a fully realized and embodied soul.

Louise Hay’s Life and Legacy

Remembering Louise Hay, Founder of Hay House, who died 

CARLSBAD, Calif., Aug. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Our beloved friend and founder Louise Hay transitioned this morning, August 30, 2017 of natural causes at age 90. She passed peacefully in her sleep.

Louise Hay
Louise was an incredible visionary and advocate. Everyone who had the privilege to meet her, either in person or through her words, felt her passion for serving others.

Considered a founder of the self-help movement, Louise was dubbed “the closest thing to a living saint.” She published her first book, Heal Your Body, in 1976 (at age 50) long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the mind and body.

Louise started what would become her life’s work in New York City in 1970. She began attending meetings at the Church of Religious Science and then entered a ministerial program. She became a popular speaker at the church, and soon found herself counseling clients. This work quickly blossomed into a full-time career. After several years, Louise compiled a reference guide detailing the mental causes of physical ailments and developed positive thought patterns for reversing illness and creating health. This compilation was the basis for Heal Your Body, also known affectionately as “the little blue book.”

Louise was able to put her philosophies into practice when she was diagnosed with cancer. She considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer.

In 1980, Louise began putting her workshop methods on paper. In 1984, her second book, You Can Heal Your Life, was published. In it, Louise explained how our beliefs and ideas about ourselves are often the cause of our emotional problems and physical maladies and how, by using certain tools, we can change our thinking and our lives for the better.

You Can Heal Your Life became a New York Times bestseller and spent 16 weeks on the list. More than 50 million copies of You Can Heal Your Life have been sold throughout the world.

In 1985, Louise began her famous support group, “The Hayride,” with six men diagnosed with AIDS. By 1988, the group had grown to a weekly gathering of 800 people and had moved to an auditorium in West Hollywood. Once again, Louise had started a movement of love and support long before people began to wear red ribbons on their lapels.

In 1987, what began as a small venture in the living room of her home turned into Hay House, Inc.: a successful publishing company that has sold millions of books and products worldwide and now has offices in California, New York, London, Sydney,Johannesburg, and New Delhi.

“Meeting Louise changed the direction of my life,” said Reid Tracy, President and CEO of Hay House, Inc.

“Her passion for serving others translated into everything she did. Simply by working alongside her, an analytical accountant like me transformed into someone who became aware of the power of affirmations and self-love. Being able to learn from her has been one of my life’s greatest blessings. The beauty of Louise was that you didn’t have to work alongside her to learn from her, you felt like you were there with her with every word you read or heard.”  Yahoo News, August 31, 2017