Divine Order from Unity

I am in the flow of divine order.

Nature reminds me that there is a season for everything. Bright red or yellow apples began as a compact bud of potential, unfolded into a beautiful springtime blossom, and then matured into a luscious and nutritious fruit ready for harvest. Each stage of the apple’s development was orderly and essential for fulfillment.

Order is also active in my life. I am inspired with ideas that follow an orderly path toward fuhttp://www.dailyword.com/content/divine-orderlfillment. I give my ideas time to develop, nourish them with thought and consideration, and then take constructive action. I seek God’s guidance and align my efforts with the divine order of the creative process. I experience a divinely ordered flow as I grow in spiritual understanding.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.—Ecclesiastes 3:1


Caregiving: The Pain, The Blessings

January 2017

Ellen Debenport

Ellen Debenport is author of Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door, a book about the spiritual path through change and transition, and The Five Principles. She is a Unity minister in Texas. For more information, visit ellendebenport.com

The woman sat next to me, weeping with weariness and frustration. She was the full-time caregiver for her mother, who had Alzheimer’s disease, and she wasn’t sure she could take it anymore.

My heart ached for her. As a minister, it’s not unusual for someone to approach me with a problem that I have no idea how to solve. I don’t even know the right words to say.

So I asked those who read my blog, “What can I say to caregivers that won’t sound glib or dismissive? What is the most meaningful form of compassion they could receive to make their situation more bearable?”

Millions of people are taking care of parents or other relatives who have some form of dementia or debilitating illness—an estimated 40 million caregivers in the United States alone.

I was inundated with responses from caregivers, some howling in anguish. They said they want to do what’s best for a failing family member—usually a spouse or parent—but feel trapped and resentful. For some, their only hope for release is the merciful death of someone they love.

“I feel that I am held hostage, and I want it to be over!” one said.

   What Does It Take?

The most common caregiver’s dilemma is the constant demands. Nights are as busy as days; like having a newborn who wakes every two hours. Decisions may be made in a fog of sleep deprivation. The requirements to handle details come from every direction, not only from the sick person. Pay the bills. Find the best medical resources. Juggle the personalities of health care workers. Do they come when they promised? Are they competent?

Some caregivers also have jobs and children. Family caregiving requires the skills of a project manager or logistics expert.

Add to this:

The hopelessness. One woman said it hurts to see her handsome, macho husband so thin now, struggling to walk. Another, whose husband is sinking into Alzheimer’s, said, “For me, the greatest challenge is knowing that today will be the best it ever is. What he could do or who he could remember yesterday may not be the same today. And there will be less available tomorrow.”

The loneliness. The person they love is still present physically but may not be there mentally or emotionally. One woman said she longs for adult conversation. Another, whose husband was knocked flat by illness, said she is “touch deprived.” He simply is not available.

The guilt. It hurts to love someone but not to like them sometimes—to wake up dreading another day. Interestingly, all the responses came from women, and many of them apologized for whining or self-pity. They beat themselves up for not feeling loving and cheerful every minute.

Several mentioned how their own health declined while caring for someone else. And how detached they became from their own lives.

“Since my parent passed, I can finally breathe but have forgotten how,” one said.

How Can We Help?

“Actions speak louder than words,” one woman said. Saying how brave the caregiver is, or how much you admire her, sounds empty.

If you want to help, they said, show up! Offer to sit with the patient for a few hours. Or take the patient out, if they are able to go, even if the conversation won’t be normal.

Most of all, listen compassionately to the caregiver. You’re not there to give advice or fix problems. Just acknowledge the difficulty. The caregivers want to be seen and understood in their struggles.

“The mere fact that one can hear the sorrow, see the hopelessness, understand the guilt, forgive the resentment, and be present with the loneliness is sometimes the most precious thing we can offer,” said a psychiatric nurse practitioner.

So what gets them through? What gives meaning to this grueling experience?

“I have described the role of caregiver as entering a domain where the only visible signs say NO EXIT,” one woman said. “Then there is the other part of me that is trying to teach me the blessing of surrender, as a gift, a pathway to sanity.”

Is There a Blessing?

The best self-care seems to be spiritual, such as prayer and meditation, journaling, and watching for daily blessings.

“The blessing?” wrote another. “For the first time in my life, I felt unconditional love from my mother, for myself. For the first time in my life, I had patience with myself and others. For the first time in my life, I learned, but more importantly felt compassion.

“I do feel it is necessary for us, as caregivers, to give thanks for this opportunity to make this trip with our loved ones. Not everyone gets this experience. Letting them know they are loved in every way is showing them God’s love.”

And what can we say to caregivers?

“For me … Don’t say sorry,” wrote a woman who cared for her mother, then her husband.

Instead, she suggested: “What a blessing! That is, how much you will be able to learn, how you have a chance to be present in a different way each day, how much you can open your heart to let all the love you have inside shine.

“God has allowed you a very sacred opportunity and chose you, right now, this way, to be of service. Rest in that knowing. And by the way, always know that my prayers and thoughts are with you.”   http://www.dailyword.com

Soulstice Rising – Ascension Notes

New Earth & Continuous Eclipse Energies07-Sep-2017

What is the New Earth? It is a consciousness that is completely different from the old earth; where 3D duality and the old matrix controlled us. The New Earth is being created as we each claim our Sovereignty, Power and Freedom. The New Earth is not an improved old earth; it is completely new and different and we are creating it as we go. It is totally new; it is a new reality, free from lies and illusions, as well as free from duality and separation. Its consciousness is Oneness/Unity. The New Earth is where each being knows they are Divine and multidimensional. We create our life and New Earth through our consciousness. The New Earth is Heart-centered; not mind-centered.

In Truth, each being is Compassionate; yet each being experiences Compassion by how awake they are. True Compassion does not feel sorry for others, for there are no victims. Our natural state of being is Love. Compassion is not minimizing oneself for the sake of others; this is a lie perpetuated by old earth. In the New, one does not take credit or brag about all they are or all they do; that is of the old and it separates. In the New, there are no heroes, no gurus, no teachers or healers. All is within. True Compassion is humble.

As one focuses on the highest positivity they help create New Earth. Being positive keeps one’s vibration high, so that they radiate Love, Light and Joy. There is no fighting for or fighting against. All is accepted in Divine Order. The Truth is that Love begets Love and hate begets hate. Each being chooses their own path and direction. So if a being chooses to fight, that is their choice and their Ascension will be slow. As one keeps their focus away from anything that separates (like religion and politics, for example), they help themselves ascend and they help build New Earth.

Forgiveness is key; it is the consciousness of letting go and freeing oneself from all that separates (judgment, blame, shame, guilt, etc.). Being in the New is also letting go of expectations, attachments and beliefs. We all hold cultural beliefs. For instance, we fear the death of our physical bodies, among other things. In North America, many buy into the “American Dream;” and admonish themselves for not having it, whatever “it” is. There are many very deep beliefs we don’t even realize we have, yet it is important to discover them so we may be free to create and experience the New. One of these old concepts is judgment…Judgment of others different from us, judgment of ourselves, judgment of something that we are not ready to accept, etc. Judgment is another concept that separates and is of the old. In the New, we do not focus Forgiveness on someone else; it is something we do for ourselves;it is self-loving. As we love ourselves, we cannot help but be compassionate for all of life. As we are unconditionally loving to ourselves and others, we accept ourselves and all unconditionally. Unconditional Love is being who you are with no expectations of how or if it comes back to you. Compassion/Unconditional Love is given freely from the Heart.

It does not matter how others choose to be. They can be miserable and yet, this does not mean you become miserable too. That is not Compassion. A story: The Christ came upon a person drowning in a pond. He did not jump in to save him; instead, he threw a rope to him and pulled the man to safety, staying dry on the shore. This is Compassion. So as you focus on being Love, you are throwing a rope to the drowning ones. In the New, you are Christed; just as The Christ intended you to be many years ago.

As we each keep our vibration high and do not lower ourselves in order to belong or fit in, then we truly help others out of the pond and the muck in the pond. Remember too that being empathic is merely a step; it is not a label to cling to; it is a natural pathway to Sensitivity and Love. When we dohelp, it is from a place of Joy and Strength. It never is about “to be a ‘good’ person, I should help that person.” Being sensitive is natural; it is a part of our evolution As we keep our vibration high, we become even more sensitive. And as we keep our vibration high, we share more Light and more Love naturally (without forcing, controlling or doing it because we think we should).

Our very essential and true self is Love. Love is not necessarily a verb; it is a proper noun. As we evolve to be nothing but Love, there are Soul Essences that help us. One is Faith, which is absolute Trust that all is unfolding according to Divine Order. There are no mistakes and tragedy is a perception. There is no good or bad. Trust that all is unfolding in its own perfection. Surrender to this. This is not a belief, but a truth that resonates within your Heart.

Be of Divine Service. This can be in an obvious way such as a career or in a tiny way. For instance, you are of Divine Service by simply smiling, through your admiration of a tiny flower or simply by being authentic. You shine your Light/serve in so many ways.

Embrace your inner Abundance. Abundance is not something to seek or achieve. It rests within you. Give thanks for all you have in your life. Many times someone complains about not having something or someone in their life. This strengthens any energy of lack within and affects the manifestation of your inner Abundance. Instead, look around you; you are rich! Be grateful for what is in your life and let go of what you think is missing.

Practice Forgiveness. This is not intended for others, as if someone did something to you (victim energy); Forgiveness is for you. Holding on to perceptions of who or what “hurt” you, you are forever tethered to that and therefore, your Light is dim and your vibration low.

Be strong and stay committed to your Path. Let no distraction take you off your Path. Distractions include laziness, lust, gluttony, envy and all things that separate ego entices you with. In your spiritual practice ask, “What would Love do?” Follow the answer you receive. Do not slip back into ignorance, but be strong and committed to being fully awake and aware. It is only when you go back to sleep that you are lulled by old beliefs and patterns; you become unconscious; a puppet of the old matrix.

Know that the eclipse of last month has greatly helped us be Love by amplifying Love in our cells and DNA. It activated a huge leap forward in consciousness; this is working from the inside to the outside.As above, so below; as within, so without. As consciousness is upgraded, so too is life, for consciousness creates life. The eclipse magnified our Sovereignty and the Power and Freedom to be all Love. It upgraded our Hearts to more Awareness, helping us all feel more and think less. Having a more powerful Heart helps us be more focused on creating the New Earth, to transform that which holds us back in the old, to direct our life force and take full Responsibility for all that we are and all that we choose. Our Divinity is empowered; we release duality from our consciousness; realizing that there is no separation and how there never was. It is only the 3D matrix of the old that told us that lie and being the good puppets we were, we believed and integrated it.

The eclipse also has helped us dissolve attachments to other lifetimes and current karmic relationships, whether in families, work, lovers, friends, etc. This dissolution greatly helps clear old energies so that there can be a more positive connection (not attachment) with another. With this dissolution many devices fail to work, for we are no longer in 3D. Eventually though, the consciousness of our devices do match our own consciousness and things again work. Be in the Flow with what is.

Do know that while the eclipse has moved on, the activations and energy of it remain for several more months and possibly years. More asleep folks will awaken and those who are awake will be moreawakened; thus more aware and conscious choices will be made. Continue to be aware of old patterns and beliefs so you can release and transform them to Love. Keep things simple; Love is not complex and has no rules. Through our conscious choices we all help to create New Earth. Through conscious choices the 3D matrix loses its power over us. Stay away from drama even though others, who have not yet awakened, will attempt to pull you into old roles. Your only role is to keep your vibration high and truly realize that others’ issues are not your concern. Your vibration is lowered when you do not honor your Authenticity. However, if you still have old patterns and roles within you, the old roles will continue to surface so that you can clear them through conscious choosing. You will continuously attract to you what you are within. Remember too that we all are in different phases of Ascension; what some refer to as “timelines.” No matter, be all of who you are in each moment. This allows each to go at their own speed in their own way. When you lower your vibration in order to fit in, you do nothing to help others or yourself.

Honor where you are through Acceptance. When you accept yourself, you will be guided to next steps without pushing or striving. Pushing, controlling, seeking and striving are all a part of the old way. The New is about allowing and accepting what is and doing this keeps you in the Flow of the Moment. This is self-care and self-loving. When you love yourself, you keep your vibration high and your consciousness expands. You are perfect as you evolve to be more.  soulsticerising.com


A Joyous Escape

10653305_1639982566228168_6495977721053626668_n“Approach meditation with ease and as a joyous escape—after all, you practice this activity naturally during moments of daydreaming or lucid awareness. Be unconcerned with rules or guidelines lest this become a chore of drudgery. Instead, allow your mind to quiet itself at its own pace, and compassionately let your body slow down of its own accord—this is meditation. It’s a time when your mind is completely connected to your heavenly home. Think of it as hooking up to a fuel station, where you’re filled with energy, ideas, and tranquility. There are countless ways to calm your mind, and as we just mentioned, you shouldn’t burden yourself with worries about your specific method. That you meditate is more important than how you do so. Closing your eyes and breathing deeply is one technique, as is sitting in front of an altar or relaxing outdoors in nature.The words meditate and medicate share the same root for good reason, since they’re both approaches to health. Meditation is your free and portable healing agent whose only side effects are peace of mind and rejuvenation. Approach it as you would a delicious meal, for it’s a true spiritual banquet. Enjoy your tranquil moments today in the spirit of feeding your needs and desire.”

Doreen Virtue

The End of Limitations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been able to detect a leap forward by humanity that has taken you past the need to limit yourselves any further. Limitations that were self-imposed by you before deciding to take on the human experience were placed upon you by yourselves. You needed limitations in order to have the human experience on planet Earth. Now that you’ve crossed this particular threshold, the limitations that you experience are only in place because of beliefs that you have picked up along your way.

In other words, in all of your years in this lifetime on planet Earth, and in all of your previous lifetimes put together, you have become aware of what humans can and cannot do for the most part. And so these belief systems exist, and you incarnate and plug right into them. But the limitations that were necessary in order to give you a particular experience of yourselves are now a thing of the past.

They are no longer active. What that means is you can do far more than just meet your soulmate, have perfect health and plenty of abundance. What this means is that you can occupy a light body, you can teleport, you can move things with your mind, you can know whatever it is you need to know by accessing records, by accessing current information. You can do and be so much more now that you’re self-imposed limitations have been lifted.

Now what this means is that you are stepping into your destiny as creator beings in the physical who have access to tremendous amounts of non-physical energy. You have access to so much more of who you really are. All you have to do now is let go of the limiting beliefs and the limiting thoughts, and hold your vibration in a place of expectation, and you will receive more of that energy. You will become limitless and yet still physical. You can have the best of all worlds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com



th-18Karma is the cause and effect of a soul exercising free will.  It is the basis for selecting subsequent lifetime experiencing.

I know the terms “good” or “bad” karma are commonly used to attribute experiences to some nebulous cause beyond one’s knowing, or justify one’s own or another’s behavior, or achieve a measure of satisfaction that someone who isn’t punished on Earth for foul deeds will “get his” in another lifetime.  But there’s no such thing as either “good” or “bad” karma.  Karma is neither a punishment nor a reward, it is simply the law of the universe regarding cause and effect.

th-46The objective of all soul learning is balance, and karma is the provision of the lessons a soul has selected to bring its experiencing into balance.  Lifetimes are chosen based upon conditions and events that will supply the missing experiences for the eventual balancing of the soul’s cumulative lifetime experiences.  Not only pleasant lessons can be chosen or the soul cannot grow beyond that point.  Some lessons are very difficult, but the soul is only experiencing the “other side of the coin,” and it grows spiritually by thoroughly learning the karmic lessons it selected for that lifetime.”

“Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven,” P. 173-4, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward

Dr. Wayne Dyer on “The Shift”

           Move from ambition to meaning. Such a shift eliminates our feelings of separateness, illuminates our spiritual connectedness, and involves moving from the ego-directed morning into the afternoon of life where everything is primarily influenced by purpose.
It’s almost a universal law that we’ll experience a fall of some kind. Yet these low points provide the energy we need to move away from ego and into a life of meaning and purpose.

The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new. We make a commitment to living a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful, rather than never-ending demands and false promises that are the trademark of the ego’s agenda.

The first shift that we all make takes us from non-being to being; from Spirit to form; from the invisible to our corporeal world of things. The next shift is the phase I call Ambition where we take on an ego self that is the opposite of the place of Spirit from which we came. Ego in this context is our false self. These first two shifts are mandatory in the human journey. Unfortunately, for many people, Ambition is often the end of their life story, but there are two more shifts open to us!

We can all choose to make the leap past the second shift of ego–driven ambition. We arrive at the third shift when we realize that we have an option to make a U–turn away from the false self. We can do an about–face and head back to the place of Spirit in a third shift.

And then, in the fourth shift, we achieve a life of Meaning and purpose by rededicating our Ambition to the fulfillment of our authentic self. We discover that the laws of the material world do not necessarily apply in the presence of the Meaning that is encouraged by our shift to Source.

Meaning is now what defines all the moments of our existence. We can fulfill our greatest calling when we consciously undertake the journey from Ambition to Meaning. We can transform our individual lives and influence the destiny of our sacred planet as well.”   Hay House – Dr. Wayne Dyer