A Time for Forgiveness ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

This is the perfect time for you all to lay down your resentments, to let go of your grudges, and to come clean with those in your life that you need to forgive. This is a time of letting go of that which is heavy, that which is old, and that which no longer serves you, because you are always letting in that which is of a high frequency, that which does serve you, and that which takes you to the next step on your journey.

In letting go of the dense, polarizing, third-dimensional ways, you allow yourselves to take on the fifth dimensional perspective, and the more you hold the fifth dimensional perspective, the more you vibrate in harmony with those energies, the energies that are creating the new Earth. Our sense of what is happening on planet Earth right now is that more and more humans are waking up to the knowing that nothing is gained by drawing a line in the sand and putting all of the bad ones on the other side of that line.

It is a time for compassion, which means it is a time for understanding. It is a time for allowing others to have their perspectives, no matter how different they are from your own. Now, if you are waiting for the people who run the governments to initiate this change and start working together, you are going to be waiting for a very long time.

If instead, you recognize that all change comes from within, then you will stop taking sides and start taking on the fifth dimensional perspective, the perspective that shows you that all circumstances on planet Earth right now are in some way of service to the evolution of humanity. Therefore, starting in your own personal life, you can begin the process of bringing together polarized elements.

You can start by seeing the beauty in everything that you’ve experienced and by letting go of that resentment that you’ve been holding onto. When that weight is lifted, more fifth dimensional energy comes in, and you get to experience yourself as a lighter version of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Lama Sing Speaks of the Ascension to Come

“They have graduated because they now accept that they and God are One, and in the acceptance of this Oneness, they can be where God is: straightforward, that means where they choose.

Those who remain in the Earth realm as it is, essentially, will continue to grow and expand, will continue to have wonderful opportunities to discover the true nature of their being. And some of you may choose to return now and then to bring them a bit of light of understanding, to bring them a bit of hope when one of their habits has burdened them too heavily. There isn’t a one of them that can stray too far away; there isn’t a one of them that ever is absent from God’s Love.

You would find that there is always the opportunity for those who choose to remain in the familiar to move on. The processes that are in place—by their choice and by their creation—enable them to leave the Earth through various means … one of them you call death. And in the process of death, there is the movement into the loving neutrality of God, the river of God’s Love and Light, and life. Here, the choices are reviewed and made.

If all of you get really serious and believe in yourselves and your brethren, and stop using words and phrases that limit you, and do all that you know to do that brings to you and others a sense of joy, a smile, happiness, then this will bear fruit. And from the fruits will come the seeds of new opportunities for more growth, more opportunity to see yourselves in differing events and circumstances. Those who have chosen to remain would experience much of this; the ones who have graduated could experience any amount that they might choose and never be limited in any wise as they do.

Reaching the pinnacle of the Promise is rather like reaching the ultimate of your potential as a Child of God. This simply means that you would come to BE as God sees you, and that is no small thing; that is something that would be, and is, celebrated all throughout Consciousness. And why would it be like that? Who would care anyway if one little old soul over there in the corner of consciousness breaks Free and finds themselves to be, indeed, a Child of God? It’s the lines of light. These are the Love Lines that connect God to everything that is. These are the sources through which God’s constant presence flows and gives the potential for being to all that is. And so, this certainly gives rise to justification for celebration by everyone, by all of Consciousness. See?

You do not make the decision for them. They must make it. You do not have to prepare a certain time and place for them to be Free. They must choose it.

It is a time for the miracles to begin at a new level. And as each of you realize this and join together and do these works together, as we have continually urged you to do and in the manner as we have recounted previously, you will see more and more evidence (if you like that word) … results (we think would be better). But you are the masters of your own choices. Now is the time to apply this. See?”

~Al Miner channeling Lama Sing, lamasing.org

“Graduating” to a New Realm


Lama Sing: “As the Promise reaches its full manifestation and becomes visible to all who are willing to see, a point of transition will occur. There will be the continuity of experiences that are the choices of those who prefer to continue on as they are; and there will be a movement of a level of consciousness that will carry those who choose the Promise to a new realm of expression.

So, you would have a realm (let us call it that, if you will) wherein many souls have (quote) “graduated” (end quote) (with some tongue in cheek, here), because they have set themselves Free from that which they have been dependent upon for many, many lifetimes. They have graduated because they now accept that they and God are One.

(There is always the opportunity for those who choose to remain in the familiar to move on: the processes that are in place—by their choice and by their creation—enable them to leave the Earth through various means, one of them you call death. And in the process of death, there is the movement into the loving neutrality of God, the river of God’s Love and Light, and life. Here, the choices are reviewed and made.)

Reaching the pinnacle of the Promise is rather like reaching the ultimate of your potential as a Child of God. This simply means that you would come to BE as God sees you, and that is no small thing.”

~Al Miner channeling Lama Sing, lamasing.org

Relationships ∞Archangel Michael – A Channeled Message from Daniel Scranton

“Linking yourself to another puts you in a co-creative dance together. The dance is what you would call your relationship. As you connect with another’s energy, you are accessing different data within yourself then you have previously had access to.

Your work together as friends, family, or lovers will be to access what you need to access to give you the experiences that you need to have. It is always part of your evolution to be involved with another in any way. When you let yourselves be completely open and receptive to all that the relationship has to give you, you make progress along your path.
And sometimes the other person will come with you. And sometimes they will not. As much as you want to believe that you are responsible for each other, this is never actually the case. Having said that, please recognize that you are all here to exist as a collective and to honor each other. That is quite different from being responsible for another’s journey, happiness, or well-being.
As you continue along your path with the others that are joining you, give yourself exactly what you need and let the others do the same for themselves. Participate in the dance, but do not mistake the dance for what you are doing here. You always have the opportunity to extract what you need while giving more of who you are.
And that is quite different from giving all of your time, energy, and money. That is truly what you offer each other whenever you are in a type of partnership. You offer more of who you are, and you invite the other to do the same.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”                                   danielscranton.com

Forgive And Let it Go

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”  “An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” These were famous Gandhi quotes.

“Fighting evil with evil won’t help anyone.  You can always choose how to react to something. When you incorporate this thought habit more and more into your life, then you can react in a way that is more useful to yourself and others.

You realize that forgiving and letting go of the past will do you, and the people in your world, a great service. And spending your time in some negative memory won’t help you after you have learned the lessons from that experience. You’ll probably just cause yourself more suffering and paralyze yourself from taking action in the present moment.

If you don’t forgive, then you let the past and this other person control how you feel. By forgiving, you release yourself from those bonds.”

By Henrik Edburg on Friday May 12th, 2017 at upliftconnect.com

You’ve Been Given More Power ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have arrived at a point in your evolution where you are being given more power. You have always been powerful beings, of course, but certain activations are occurring that have been initiated by your guides and other helpers that will grant you more access to the power that you have within you.

As more strands of your DNA become activated and as codes within you also become activated, you will become more powerful creator beings than ever before. This power comes to you because you have demonstrated that you are capable of handling it.

Many of you who are listening to this message will relate more to the feeling of being disempowered because of the paths that you have chosen for yourselves in this very important lifetime. And so you need to awaken the sense of power within you. You need to activate the memory of your power, and the easiest way for you to do that is by activating memories of when you existed as physical beings who also knew yourselves completely as Source Energy Beings.

Now you haven’t had this experience on planet Earth yet, but you can connect to other lifetimes that you have led in other dimensions, in other star systems, in other times, and you can activate those memories by simply acknowledging that you have led many more lifetimes than you think. You have access to so much more of those powerful memories than you have any idea about.

Right now, we want you to accept that this is true, and then we invite you to access those memories, even if all you can remember is the feeling of being powerful. You don’t have to remember a specific lifetime, but if you can remember what it feels like to know yourself as a powerful creator being, you are going to help in accessing the power you are being given at this time, in this lifetime, and with that power you can and will be the agents of change that your world most certainly needs.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”  danielscranton.com

Volunteer to Cuddle Drug-Affected Newborns

The Power of Loving Touch and Affection

There’s nothing like the smell, grace and promise of a beautiful new baby. It’s like they symbolize a fresh hope for the world. Connecting with, and cuddling, a newborn is a sweet and magical experience, but for thousands of babies around the world, it’s something that is vital to their wellbeing.

Increasing numbers of babies are being born into a fight for their lives, as their bodies desperately try to rid themselves of the drugs their mothers took during pregnancy. With varying degrees of painkillers or heroin in their little bodies, their first days of life are a traumatic and painful experience.

Opioid addiction has reached crisis levels in America, with the number of drug addicted babies born in the US having quadrupled in the last decade. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one baby every 25 minutes is born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), which requires the babies to go through a withdrawal program where they are given decreasing doses of morphine. The situation is getting so serious now that some hospitals are introducing programs to help drug-addicted mothers and their babies.

These tiny babies experience intense withdrawal symptoms of diarrhoea, shaking, vomiting, crying and intense pain. If you imagine what a drug-addicted adult experiences when they go cold turkey – that’s what these vulnerable babies go through as well.

Increasing numbers of drug-affected babiesThe number of drug-affected babies born in the US has quadrupled in the last decade.

Nurses report that drug affected babies shake, sweat, cry, get severe acidic diarrhea that burns their skin, as well as suffer the pain of being overstimulated by lights and sound. But, there is hope; the same nurses note that when held and cuddled for long periods, these babies are comforted and can cope with their ordeal much better.

It is vital to their recovery that they get tender, loving care so they can survive this painful experience so early on. One nurse has started a program calling for volunteers to cuddle these babies.

The Birth of The Program

Jane Cavanaugh, a nurse at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, is encouraging volunteers to hold, cuddle and soothe the babies suffering through withdrawal. She told the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News:

These babies going through withdrawal and need to be held for extended periods … They need human touch. They need soothing. They need talking.

Often they spend months alone in hospitals as they are weaned off the heroin or painkillers that filled their bodies during their time in the womb. Sometimes the infants have been removed from their parents, or their drug addicted mothers are attending drug rehabilitation programs, so there is no one there to comfort and soothe them, except the already overworked nurses and hospital staff.

Loving touch and soothing is a lifeline to these babiesLoving touch and soothing is a lifeline to these babies.

Doctors have also reported that volunteers cuddling the babies reduces both the amount of medication they need, as well as the length of their stay in the hospital.

Cabell Huntington Hospital, in West Virginia, was one of the first hospitals to recognize a need for specialized care for these chemically dependent newborns, with the opening of a second neonatal unit specifically for withdrawal babies. It also has an off-site rehabilitation center, Lily’s Place, where babies are given dedicated treatment.

Lily’s Place opened its doors in October 2014 as the first Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Centre in the United States, with specialized care and a volunteer program, housing newborns away from fluorescent light and noise of the busy hospital.

Cuddle care programs are popping up all over the US in response to the soaring rates of drug-affected babies being born. Most hospitals have seen huge success with having cuddlers come in to soothe premature babies, and now hospitals can use the same loving care for these vulnerable babies battling to heal their drugged systems.