“Shifting Realities” channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

Blinking in and out of the physical reality is something that you do without realizing that you are doing it. You are not physical for exactly as long as you are physical. And this blinking gives you an opportunity to blink in to another reality. It is easier for you to shift to a parallel universe than you might think.

There is a practice of shifting realities that few have mastered, but those that have understand the blinking in and out of the physical reality. They are simply keeping up with the speed of that blinking.

This is not something that you can do in order to escape a problem because as long as you are focused on a problem, you are incapable of keeping up with the very fast rate at which you are blinking in and out. This is something you can do when you are in a very high-vibrational state, when you are feeling light, carefree, and joyous.

Now when you shift to another parallel universe, you will not necessarily know where you are going. But when you are in that state of being, you trust that where you are going is going to be of a similar vibration. And so you are not attached to shifting to a particular parallel universe.

And in that non-attachment, you make it possible. We are suggesting that you have fun with this, that you play around with it, and that you demonstrate to yourselves just how much fun you can have and just how easy it is to shift.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”  danielscranton.com

Meeting Life’s Challenges

“In life, through every precious moment of life, effort is required. The idea that a fruitful life, a productive life is easy, is a great falsehood. Virtually all lessons in life, were gained through not only facing challenges, but overcoming them in a positive manner. Aging, growing gracefully into ‘senior’ years  is the period ripe for, intended for the collation, the harvesting  of wisdom … and to express that knowledge in joy.

Masters, your religious texts state : ‘It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into heaven…”  The true meaning of this text, is that you select lifetimes with challenges in order to grow. A lifetime of wealth in which all needs are ‘given’ , while perhaps easier in 3d-material aspect,  does not necessarily force one to work….and unfortunately oft allows for development of  negative characteristics, such as arrogance, entitlement and control of others.

Buddhism teaches that each soul chooses challenges in order to grow. And that a life without challenges, offers limited gain. A wise soul chooses a life requiring effort, with planned set-ups that are challenging and difficult.

Edgar Cayce stated that masterful souls will select a relatively ‘comfortable/easy’ life only one out of each four or five lifetimes. And that 75 to 80 percent of incarnations are chosen sojourns  filled with select ‘set-ups’, soul-contract challenges,  which lead to soul-growth and development.

Life can be difficult, and that is a noble truth. It is often only when one is seemingly caged by difficult obstacles, that one faces the challenges and transcends them.

Life will always have its stresses, from family,  work & finances. It’s unavoidable and can cause a barrage of health problems like sleeplessness, depression, and heart disease. But people of wisdom have learned to manage their stress. Whether it’s meditation, exercise, or just taking a couple minutes for yourself every day to unplug from worry, computers, television and phones. Focus on worry will attract to you the very things you fear.
Find a group of like-minded seekers, and involve yourself with people of all ages. Sacred travel, metaphysical conferences and spiritual books are excellent ways to keep busy. Find joy and live it, laugh! Laughter and enjoyment are valid means of rejuvenation.  The person who expresses joy, the person who learns how to be happy is able of changing their world, shifting their reality for the better. Obtaining joy, involves truly appreciating life, and that achievement knows no better time to complete that the ‘golden years’.
Finding happiness and maintaining joy is one of the most important achievements for any soul seeking mastery to achieve. And in the senior years, it is of utmost importance to seek joy, and live each moment fully, vibrantly!  You are not cosmic beings who come down to earth realms to merely ‘work and then die’. 
You are spirits who have chosen to grow and part of that process is learning to express yourselves vivaciously, blissfully through the precious joy of life.  Those that tell you that the best years of life are in the past, are unwise, and do not know that the ‘now moment ‘ is ever the point of power.
Seize the day Dearhearts ! Embrace the moment ! Create love, create joy !
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. You are Beloved !”      


A Gratitude Message From Ann Albers’ Angels

                         Happy Thanksgiving!                        My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As so many of you celebrate your holiday of Thanksgiving, we in the heavens give thanks for each and every one of you. We celebrate your existence. We cheer you onward. We gently guide you towards a more loving, more abundant, and more joyous existence. We comfort you, strengthen you, and help refresh your spirit while you sleep.

Dear ones, we are ever grateful for each and every one of you because we know, here in the heavens, that we are all connected and sourced from One love. In our deepest essence, you and we are One. The love you feel, we feel as well.

We give thanks not only for the good that is happening in your lives now but also for the good you intend to have in your future. We give thanks for your perfect health, whether you are experiencing it or not. We give thanks for your abundance whether or not you are currently feeling lack. We give thanks for your loving, harmonious relationships whether they have arrived in your current reality or not.

As we focus with gratitude upon that which you desire, we support it coming into being. As you focus with gratitude on that which you desire, you too support it coming into your future. So give thanks for that which you have not yet received because it exists right here and now in potential. Why not turn your focus upon it with love.

“Dear Divine Source, thank you so much for my abundant loving life. I know I am experiencing loneliness and lack right now but I know you have so much more in store for me! “

“Dear Divine Source, thank you for my dream home! I know I live in a very small place right now but all things are possible with you and I eagerly await the unfolding and miracles.”

“Dear Divine Source, thank you for my perfect health and well-being which I know is emerging even now beneath the illusions of illness.”

“Dear Divine Source, thank you for my glorious life for I know as I focus upon it, it shall come into being.”

There is nothing more powerfully creative than focusing with love and gratitude on that which you desire, giving thanks, knowing it is on the way.

Dear ones we give thanks for you, and for the perfectly beautiful lives that each and everyone of your souls is dreaming for you in the depths of your heart.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels  www.visionsofheaven.com


The Ego’s Mirror

“The particular egoic patterns that you react to most strongly in others and mis-perceive as their identity tend to be the same patterns that are also in you, but that you are unable or unwilling to detect within yourself.  In that sense, you have much to learn from your enemies.  What is it in them that you find most upsetting, most disturbing? …

Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you.”    Eckhart Tolle, “A New Earth,” p. 74.

Why It Comes the Hard Way – Abraham

“All of you are allowing through the crack of least resistance. So there are a combination of factors. The degree of desire is a factor. In other words, the amount of pulling power that’s going on is a factor. Someone could really, really, really, want something, and could really, really, really, be disallowing it — but because they want it intensely they get it, but it comes the hard way.”

Abraham-Hicks, 7/15/00

To Be Alone

“The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person — without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.”


Manifest the Perfect – Findhorn’s Wisdom

Manifest The Perfect By Your Positive Creative Thinking

“Always look for the bigger picture. See how everything that is manifested can be used for the benefit of the whole and not just for the individual. Take nothing to the self. Use these natural laws to My honor and glory and for the good of the whole. Watch the perfect come about perfectly naturally. Expect it to do so; never allow any second rate thought in to mar the perfect. Never feel for a moment anything will do. I want the perfect; therefore manifest the perfect by your positive creative thinking. I tell you to only think success, to only accept My abundant unlimited supply. Never at any time see lack or imperfection. I AM perfect. Therefore all I give to you is perfect. Refuse to see limitations over anything. Simply allow your consciousness to expand and expand in all directions. Realize that as you think in heart so are you. So start right now thinking creative positive thoughts over everything and every situation.”                    Eileen Caddy


The Kingdom of God is Within You – Lama Sing

“The Kingdom of God is within you. When you are in the Sacred Silence, the Kingdom is opened to you; you have but to choose it. Having once chosen it, you shall thereafter, while in that walk in your current journey, have the power of it, lovingly and gently, that you can carry before you as a gift to all whom you meet.

We should think this to be good for all of you who would participate and good for those who will view the energy of your unified intent. The first order of our offering here would be the words: I Am. And as you speak those words aloud or in heart and mind, remember: I Am (God’s daughter); I Am (God’s son); I Am (eternal). See? In this manner. But the words I Am come first (and the others are held in the heart and mind).

Reiterating here: Speak aloud softly or at volume if the environment permits, I Am. And you will feel the immediate residence of those in God’s service sending you the power of those words, and you will feel that resonate within as the presence of God within you affirms with joy that you are His. Again, I Am.”  Lama Sing

T2-04 20171113, Channeled by Al Miner, lamasing.org

Jenny Schiltz – Recovering from Soul Loss

Recovering from Soul Loss

For many people the thought of receiving assistance for soul loss sounds odd or foreign. Yet, long ago it was a common practice to see a shaman for healing whenever you had a loss of any sort. This could be a loss of a person, object, relationship, peace or health. The shaman would look at you, contact the spirits for you and see if there was a soul loss and then return the piece to you, ensuing that you are whole.  When a person is whole all of their soul parts have been returned and they are able to handle life in a much better, balanced way. They will also stop recreating patterns in their life that show time and time again that something is missing.

For me, a soul retrieval was a very important part of the healing I needed to step into my power. I had to have returned to me the parts that left due to childhood trauma, car accidents and the many surgeries and illnesses I endured. I can see now how my missing parts lead me to feel so very empty. I tried to fill this hole by rescuing animals and giving to others to the point of damaging self. I suffered from many illnesses, depression, and self-worth issues, these were created by soul loss early on in my life but it also created further soul loss as I kept re-victimizing myself. So many of us are walking around with parts of our soul missing desperately trying to be whole. As we move through this Ascension process, we must be whole, we must be fully integrated. A Soul Retrieval can greatly assist with this.

The parts being returned to me was the first step, the second step was to make sure that I welcomed the parts and honored them and what they brought to the table.  This helped me to really get in touch with my joy and passion, which is our most authentic self.

Here is a checklist of Symptoms of Soul Loss:

  • Do you ever have a difficult time staying “present” in your body? Do you sometimes feel as if you’re outside your body observing it as you would a movie?
  • Do you ever feel numb, apathetic or deadened?
  • Do you suffer from chronic depression?
  • Do you have problems with your immune system and have trouble resisting illness?
  • Were you chronically ill as a child?
  • Do you have gaps in your memory of your life after age five? Do you sense that you may have blacked out significant traumas in your life?
  • Do you struggle with addictions to, for example, alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or gambling?
  • Do you find yourself looking to external things to fill up an internal void or emptiness?
  • Have you had difficulty moving on with your life after a divorce or the death of a loved one?
  • Do you find yourself saying “Everything changed after..” or “I haven’t been the same since…”

Taken from “Soul Retrieval, Mending the Fragmented Self” by Sandra Ingerman.

How to Obtain a Soul Retrieval:

The soul retrieval can be done via skype, google hangouts (worldwide) or the phone (in the US and Canada only).

The first session is 90 minutes where we discuss why you think you have soul loss and the best way to welcome your soul parts home. I will then perform the actual soul retrieval with you on the phone or via skype, zoom or google hangouts.

The second part is an hour long session where we discuss how your integration of the soul parts is affecting you. This is scheduled between 4 weeks and 4 months after your soul parts are returned as it is at least 2 weeks for integration to begin and often a couple of months for the pieces to fully anchor in. If anytime during the integration time, you need assistance, I am available via email and on the rare occasion, we can schedule a brief session. Please read below to get a better understanding.Soul Retrieval Frequently Asked Questions:  Why did my soul piece leave?

Soul pieces leave for many reasons. The most common is trauma or a serious shock to your system. These can be abuse situations, car accidents, surgeries, divorce, or death of a loved one. Often people will say things like “I haven’t been the same since…” “A part of me died that day.” Or “I just feel something is missing.” These are clues that the person suffered a significant blow and that a part of their soul has fragmented.

However, trauma is not the only reason for a piece of your soul to leave. I have returned pieces that left to preserve the integrity of the soul. For instance, I returned a 16 year old piece to someone recently that had left because it didn’t want to stick around while the human went into criticizing and beating up the self.

Other times a piece will leave because it does not want a moment to end. During a soul retrieval I found a 10 year old piece of someone that decided to stay in the woods and play. Summer was ending and school was beginning. This piece didn’t want to have to come inside and he certainly didn’t want to be still at school, so a piece stayed in the woods.

Why is it so important to have all of our soul pieces back?

When we are not whole we tend to recreate the same patterns over and over again that show us what needs to heal. For example, someone may find themselves in a string of relationships where they feel left and abandoned. This theme could play out over and over again to show that the original wound, maybe the abandonment of a parent needs to be healed.  Our patterns are clues to show us where we have a deep wound that could include soul loss. When we have soul loss, no amount of healing or therapy will resolve the core issue until that piece is brought to be healed and integrated.

When we have soul loss, we feel a deep hole within in and we attempt to fill it. We try to fill it with so many things like relationships, food, drugs, sex, gambling, even giving too much of self. This deep longing and need can also mean that we take someone else’s soul piece without even being aware.

How do soul pieces get taken?

Soul loss through pieces being taken is unfortunately all too common in our society. Most of the time it is not taken through malicious intent rather another soul’s desperate attempt to be whole. When I was training to become a shaman I learned that I had “stolen” two soul pieces, both from my children. The first piece was from one of my daughter’s when she was 2. Her connection to source was so pure and mine was not at the time. So I unintentionally took a piece.  The other was from my other daughter when she was 14. I had been in a serious accident and the resulting surgery left me using a walker and with chronic pain. My daughter was a dynamo on the lacrosse field, she would run like a gazelle with such agility and speed. I would watch her and pretend I too was on that field and not in my battered body. I would tell people that I “lived vicariously through her” and indeed I did as I stole a piece from her. When I realized that I had taken from my children I was horrified, but then I realized that to beat myself up over something I had no knowledge of doing is silly and counterproductive. When we know better, we do better.

Take note of anyone that pops into your head that may have stolen your piece or whose piece you may have taken. Bring this up during your session and I can teach you a simple ceremony to release pieces that do not belong to you.

Are some pieces taken on purpose?

Yes, even if the person is not consciously aware that this is what actually has taken place. I have seen where an ex may hold a piece because they refuse to let go of what was. I have also seen where an abusive mate or care giver have taken soul pieces for control.  The returning of these pieces can be tricky and I am grateful for my sizeable team of Retrieval guides and power animals. During a soul retrieval, I had the experience where many pieces of my client were being held by an abusive ex-husband in what looked like a jail cell.  As I went to retrieve the pieces, my power animal came to the rescue by stopping the person from attempting to lock me in the cell as well. If that had happened, I would have found myself on another shaman’s doorstep for healing as I would have suffered severe soul loss.

Can someone perform their own soul retrieval?

It is not recommend, even for those trained. As I detailed above, the work can be dangerous and you need to have a solid relationship with your guides and power animals.  A surgeon doesn’t perform surgery on his/her self, it is just not wise. I also won’t perform one on people I am extremely close with, like my children. No matter how objective I could try to be, I still have preconceived notions of what I will find. If I attempted to do one on myself, I may zero in on the instances I remember and totally not see the pieces and circumstances that are so deep they caused memory loss.  As a healer, I go to another healer to ensure that I am able to see the forest for the trees.

What a person can do is “Prepare the field” for the pieces to return. They can begin to look at their patterns and where it possibly began. They can also set the intention for full integration. These do wonders.

Do all pieces returned stay?

Most of the time the pieces stay and integrate nicely. However, there can be times that a piece will choose not to stay. For example, if I return a 3 year old piece that left due to abuse into the now adult who is still living in a chaotic, abusive relationship (though the players may have changed, i.e. mother to spouse), the piece won’t stay and nor should it.

It is our job to make sure that we understand why the pieces left and do our best to ensure that the same patterns are not reoccurring. This is why the follow up appointment is so important to help make sure that the pieces stay and understanding is given.

How long does it take for a soul piece to fully return?

Some will feel a difference immediately while most find it takes at least 2 weeks but as much as 4 months for the pieces to integrate.

Will I need more than one soul retrieval?

This depends on each person and the circumstances of their life. I needed two to bring all my parts home. If you feel after integrating all that was initially returned that you need another it is recommend that you wait at least 6 months in between sessions.

What can I expect to feel after a soul retrieval?

What to expect varies for each individual. Some will feel almost immediate wholeness and strength, while others may find themselves processing deeply for a while. Emotions and memories from the time the piece left may rise to be acknowledged and understood. This is simply part of the healing.

One of my soul parts was from when I was 16 and experienced a very painful break up. When the piece returned, I found myself feeling insecure in my marriage to the point I even asked my husband if he was planning to leave me. His confused look and the question “where is this coming from?” helped me to see that it wasn’t me in this now feeling these emotions, but the piece that returned. I then had to reassure her that we were ok, the relationship was secure and that if anything did happen to the marriage we (the 16 year old and I) were strong enough to handle it now.

Lots of emotions can arise after a soul retrieval but once the parts of you are soothed and integrated you will find that you are walking more and more in your power.”
